King's Business - 1919-05



opportunity for decision. In th is way th e num ber of conversions although relatively small, is an enlightened and in telligen t company each of whom, knew exactly w hat he did. Such con­ verts will persist in th e C hristian life by th e power of th e Spirit th rough the grace of God,— and reflect honor to the church, and glory upon the God who has called them out to come unto Him th rough Christ Jesus th e ir Lord and Master. I t was tru ly a rebuke th a t any seat in the en tire auditorium should have been unoccupied while such powerful agencies were in operation to bring men to a saving knowledge of Christ, b u t etern ity alone wili disclose the real resu lts of th is m ission begun, directed, and brough t to a close under th e Spirit of God, in whose hands we can safely leave all conjectures, for th e absolute certain ty th a t His Word i shall not re tu rn unto Him void. — Mabel E. H ibbard. W here P roblem s A re Settled G reat things have been going on a t the Biola H all th e past few months. Men are listening as never before to the message of salvation. Never before have we been so busy in the BIOLA work as in th e la st few HALL ' weeks. Never before have we seen such resu lts, from th e preaching of th e gospel. One day la st week, by His grace, 22 confessed Christ as th e ir personal' Saviour. '.Con­ tinually, day by day, from eleven o’clock in th e morning till nine a t night, th e Gospel message -rings out unto the h earts of sin laden men and women who pass our door. During th e la st m onth our noon-day meetings, under the A lexander party, have grown in num bers as well as in power and blessing to th e lives of the many who have had tim e to slip in a t noon. We could te ll many incidents

Alexander- In singing th e Gospel. These are youiig men and women of su r­ rendered C hristian lives, actively en ­ gaged in the work of soul winning. Such a choir, praying before and during the service and leaving th e ir seats a t the close of th e sermon to do personal work, could no t fail to be used by The Spirit w ith power. The choruses were power­ ful in themselves, sound doctrinely and tru e in th e ligh t of actu al Christian experience. The music was obviously lacking in th e more usual sentim ental, tragic, and melo-dramatic elements found in evangelistic services and designed to arouse th e emotions. Dr. Torrey spent practically the first two weeks upon th e general subject of, “Why I Believe th e Bible to Be the Word of God.” This subject formed th e foundation of all th e succeeding messages, since proven th a t th e Bible is The Word of God absolutely w ithou t erro r as it was given in th e original, th en all th a t th e Bible teaches about God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, The Devil, Sin, Hell, Salvation, Redemption, The Resurrection, The Judgm ent, and th e Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ, have to be adm itted as tru e also, and th e sinner when once b rough t to believe in th e Bible as th e Word of God, can usually be b rough t to accept its salvation. T h is'b rin g s us to the decision service itself. Christians were a t no tim e em­ barrassed by being made to stand each n igh t,— and th e unconverted perhaps b rough t to th e ir feet merely in order to avoid undue prom inence and annoy­ ance. -Those who would accept Jesus Christ as th e ir personal Saviour, were asked to stand and imm ediately take th e ir seats. They were no t coerced or cajoled to stand— They were simply asked to stand and given plenty of tim e to make an in tellig en t decision finder The Holy S p irit’s power. A solo was sung and th e inv itation repeated as sim­ ply as before un til none could possibly say th a t th ere had no t been given ample

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