King's Business - 1919-05

418 of answered prayer and of lives being changed th rough th e work here. One incident which no doubt will be of in­ te re st to you we would like to leave w ith you, hoping th a t it will inspire you to lay hold of God for us and for the work h ere for: Some tim e ago a man came into the H all w ith one of our cards in his hand, saying, “ th is card says th a t you solve problems here. I have a problem which I wish you would solve for me,” where­ upon he told us the story of how he and his wife because of the temper each of them had were being separated and he would like for us to solve this problem for him. We tu rn ed him over to one of the w orkers and took the m at­ te r up in th e prayer meeting, asking God to re-unite th is couple and to solve th e ir problems for them . Two weeks la ter the worker came in w ith th is mes­ sage for those a t the prayer meeting, “ God answered our prayers in regard to th a t case we b rough t up for prayer some tim e ago. Today I have in my hands the papers dism issing the case of our friends who were being sep ar­ ated by the divorce courts. They were in my office today and we kn elt down together and th anked God for his answer to th is our p rayer.” This man will soon receive baptism thereby te sti­ fying to the world th a t God has made him a new creatu re in Christ Jesus. God answers prayer. ■—M. H. Reynolds, Supt. Several R em arkable Conversions The past month has been th e b a n n e r. month in our work among th e Mexi­ cans, both in reg ard to th e conversion of souls and also as to th e in terest m anifested. The sp irit of revival is in the air_ “When we know—We care. When we care-—We pray. When we p ray—We give.”

THE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S SPANISH Visiting one camp we WORK talked to four men about accepting Christ. Two of the men most interested asked some questions about our belief and came to realize th a t they had no peace. We then asked them if they would not make a decision and accept Christ, and though they were somewhat relu ctan t a t first, we prayed w ith them and said “Now is the best tim e; th is is the day of salvation.” A fter a sligh t struggle both accepted Christ. P rom th e re we crossed th e camp and found five men and afte r they gave us a soap box to sit on, they all sat on th e floor and listened atten tiv ely to th e Gospel mes­ sage. At th e close we asked for de­ cisions. One man (who said he had lived in th e United States some seven years and never before had heard the Gospel), spoke up and said, “W hat do you say? L et’s all get down on our knees?” All later professed conversion. In form er articles, mention has been made of a young man who was con­ verted in the Hospital and th rough his testim ony six or more Mexicans were seved. Recently th is young man was called .to his rew ard, but before he fell asleep in Jesu s he called ano th er young Mexican fellow to his side (to whom he had often spoken about accepting Christ, bu t who had always rejected and contradicted h im ), and said “ I w ant you to do me a favor. When Mr. Bender, the m inister, comes again, you tell him th a t I give him my la st good­ bye as I am going to Jesu s,” and inside of tw enty m inutes he had passed into th e presence of his Saviour. The fol­ lowing is a copy of a le tte r received recently from the young man to whom he gave th is message, which speaks for its e lf: “D istinguished s ir:—. Experience acquired during my stay in the hospital, has radically changed my ideas. As you know, we who speak th e Spanish language have been b ro u g h t up in the Rom an Catholic faith. I rem ained so u ntil th e reading of books on M aterialism caused m e to re n o u n c e 1 my religious principles, considering th a t they w ere unnecessary and speaking w ith frankness,

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