King's Business - 1919-05



given in many quart- ers to th e distribution of the Scriptures in a very attractiv e and

foolish,—th a t is, in respect to th e Catholic religion. For years I was a m an w ithout a creed, w ith th e supposition th a t th e life of a m an w as b u t th a t of an anim al culm inating in th e g rave; b u t I m u st confess th a t I never had peace in m y sp irit and today I u n d erstan d w h y ; because the soul w ith o u t the tru e know ledge and guide of the religion of Jesu s C hrist is like a ship w ithout its rudder in m id-ocean. T hanks be to God th a t m y eyes have been opened. I have seen a g reat m any die; som e in the false religion^ and o thers in ' th e tru e #religion, th e form er dying in terrib le convulsions in th eir la st m om ents, while th e la tte r havet ended this life w ith such a peace and calm. W ith such an eloquent exam ple, th ere does no t rem ain a shadow of doubt, and I desire from now on to profess the tru e religion of Jesu s C hrist in o rd er th a t I, too, m ay have as calm and sweet a death as C ontreras. T herefore, I w ish you w ould do m e th e favor to loan me a Bible and also your counsel to direct m y steps tow ard Je su s. A w aiting your favor, I rem ain your atten tiv e serv an t.” The day afte r receiving th is letter, we sent to th e hospital and talk ed to th e young man and asked him if he would accept Jesus Christ as his Sav­ iour, to which he answered, “ I am not asham ed to confess Him, and am patiently w aiting for th e day when I shall be well enough to leave th e hospi­ ta l and give my testim ony in the con­ gregation. I now esteem it one of th e high est privileges to win men for Jesus C h rist.” We wish th e friends m ight pray for him th a t God will fully resto re him and prepare him for th e work. We w ant to acknowledge our g ra ti­ tu d e to our Heavenly F a th e r for an­ o th e r answer to prayer. In a form er issue mention was made of a gift of tw enty dollars tow ard an auto. Since then, th e giver (a form er stud en t) has w ritte n us saying th a t th e Lord wanted h er to send a hundred dollars more tow ard the auto, so we praise God and "take courage. W ill not th e readers of T h e K ing’s Business continue to pray a n d praise the Lord. 8 a lE§ i H. Bender, Supt.


acceptable form , and rarely have we encountered men who were not willing, and in many instances, glad to receive a g ift of th is precious trea su re and carry it continually. We overheard one man telling how . he boarded a stree t car and seeing a fellow passenger settle himself and pull out a Pocket Testament. A fter a mo­ m en t’s hesitation, a policeman sitting on th e other side, reached in and pulled ou t a sim ilar book and began reading. Ju s t th en th e power went off and the m otorm an tu rn in g round took in th e . situation, grinned and, pulling ou t his Pocket Testament, rem arked “ You fel­ lows have got nothing on me.” A workm an ran afte r us th e other day as we were leaving th e shop and begged for a little copy of th e Gospel of John. His delight was g reat when we produced our Pocket Testam ent and presented it to* him, on condition th a t he would sign and carry it and read it every day. Another big fellow in the same shop came to us, recalling our first interview and th e follow-up work, “And now ,” said he, “ I’m a really saved man, am to be baptized and identify myself w ith one of th e clear evangelical churches in th e city, and th e most rem ark ab le th ing to me is th a t I woke up one day to th e fact th a t I h adn ’t sworn for two months. I was perfectly dumbfounded, for all my life I had been a terrib le blasphemer. I t was as n a tu ra l for me to swear as it was to eat. W hat a wonderful change in my life has been w rought since Jesu s came into my h e a rt!” We m ust tell of one little chap aged ten hearing his paren ts tell of some of th e g reat things God has been doing th rough th e Pocket T estam ent League. Upon being given one, he signed up eighteen lads in his class in one day, and secured a couple of others, and

The Good Seed Is th e Word These have been days in which th e Bread h a s been cast upon many w aters, for under th e inspiration of The Pocket 'Testam ent League, fresh zeal has been

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