King's Business - 1919-05

THE K. I NG' S B U S I N E S S vessels plying our seas.. Why do we hold our peace? Is God satisfied w ith us, or Will He be compelled to raise up th e stone to cry out? W ill He honor us by allow ing th e ligh t to shine from our candle, or will He be forced to set aside th e candlestick? God h as answered prayer and is mov­ ing hearts. P ra y th a t we may n o t fail to go ahead, tru stin g in Him. P ray for a Bible revival and for funds to carry th e blessed Gospel to every ship plying our coasts. In connection w ith th e increased op­ po rtun ities for seed sowing th e re are many highly in teresting incidents to those who “ labor w ith us in prayer, bu t we can only touch th e fringe of the many cases where th e seed is sown. H ere is a larg e vessel carrying sev­ eral hundred Hollanders, only seven of whom are Christians. Among th e well furnished cabins we find a sceptic, yet open to th e Gospel as h e listens eagerly and then holds his hands ou t for th e message in print. The commanding officer th an k s us for giving him th e S criptures in his own tongue. Scores of men are reading everywhere, in com­ panion ways, in galley and cabin. A conference is held w ith th e seven Chris­ tian s and they are supplied w ith lite r­ a tu re and helped to get busy on th e long journey ahead of them . P ersonal interview s occasioned by th e scores of excuses are had, and only th e passing tim e bids us halt. During th e tim e of th e influenza epi­ demic God, in His own way, used a homely incident to illu strate H is tru th and m ake th e way of salvation plain, saving a soul from etern al death. Leav­ ing th e ferry steam er on which the w orker crossed th e Bay, we found th a t many, despite th e law m aking it a duty fo r everyone to w ear a mask, many were w ithou t them and had to ru n the g au n tlet of th e law. Several officers watched th e passing crowd, searching o u t th e ones who wore no masks, or those who did no t w ear them properly.

420 th en said to his mother, “L et’s g et the hoys here in our home one afternoon a week, give them cake and lemonade and have a Bible class so you can make w hat they read plain to them ; and, mamma, be sure and tell them some­ th ing about m issions.” So th e class was formed and now they are meeting regularly, and five of th e little chaps have already made a public confession of Jesus, and we tru s t and pray the re st will shortly follow. Who can estim ate w hat will resu lt from th is one class of tw enty lads meeting thu s once a week of th e ir own desire to study th e Word of God? E te rn ity alone will unfold to us all th a t th is one effort on th e p a rt of a little boy, in Jesu s’ name, shall w ith God’s blessing bring fo rth to H is etern al praise. “ In th e morning sow thy seed, and in th e evening w ith ­ hold no t th y hand, fo r thou knowest no t w hether shall prosper, eith er th is or th a t, or w hether they both shall be alike good.”— David Cant, Supt. Story of a “F lu Mask” “ I tell you th a t, if these should hold th e ir peace, the stones would imme­ diately cry o u t”, was the answer of the Lord to th e attem p t to have H is dis­ ciples r e b u k e d for SEAMEN’S th e ir testimony. Here WORK in our harbors, as yet unoccupied by us, one can find th e dwellers of Yokohama, citi­ zens from Melbourne, inh ab itan ts from Buenos Aires and trav ellers talk ing of London, Havre, Liverpool, Hong Kong, Stockholm , Antwerp, etc., as we speak of towns, or stree ts in our own city. The unsaved, unreached and unevan­ gelized who are tu rn in g th e ir eyes tow ard Pacific Coast harbo rs as th e ir destination, m u st be reached. Have we no t love enough for H im and them to make sacrifices to th is end? Another po rt on th e coast ough t to be imme­ diately occupied to effectually »-each the

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