King's Business - 1919-05



The scene made a deep impression on th e worker. Jail, a fine or danger of being stricken by th e plague which m ight mean death, were th e penalties of disobedience. The w earing of the mask, however, secured imm unity for th e wearer, and while costing b u t little, was th e object uppermost in th e m inds of th e police. Education, standing, w ealth, did no t save an offender w ith ­ o u t th e mask. Shortly afte r this, a man on a ship was dealt w ith in reg ard to his soul, and said th a t he “ did not see w h at difference it made w hether he was a Christian or no t.” The worker described the scene a t th e ferry to him , using it to show th e value of having a cover for sin, pointing ou t th a t it was th e question w ith God was only w hether no t He saw th e blood. The scene of Isra el’s judgm ent in Egypt and the Passover was vividly portrayed and emphasis laid upon th e Word of God: “W hen I sh all see th e blood, I w ill pass over you.” God used th e tex t and th e illu stration , and nodding his head th e man said, “Yes, I can see w h at you m ean,” and then and th e re accepted Christ, rejoicing in th e know ledge th a t in th e eyes of God th e blood sheltered him from judgm ent and death, which— like th e “ flu” mask m ust be applied in order to be efficacious. — Oscar Zimmerman, Supt. A Jewess Won A fter F ive Years Our P ray er Circle which meets each week to pray for th e Jews, recently made conversions a special m atter of prayer. The answer was no t long in coming, for w ithin a few JEW ISH days one of our w orkers WORK won two souls, another w orker two more, and a th ird w orker one soul. F o u r of these were Gentiles, and one a Jewess. T h at the work of our Jew ish Bible School pays is seen from th e following incident which is b u t one of many which

have occurred in connection w ith this branch of our work. About five years ago a little Jew ish girl who attended regu larly our Jew ish Bible School, was given a New T esta­ ment. Knowing h er m o ther’s h atred of Christianity, she carried th e T estam ent on h er person to prevent th e mother from finding and destroying it. The m other was approached by one of our workers who sought to persuade h er to examine th e evidence in favor of the claims of Christ. She became Very angry a t the w orker whom she accused of being a tra ito r, and of seeking to b etray h er own people for money (the w orker was a Hebrew C h ristian ). Shortly afte r th is interview , th e Jew ish fam ily moved away and though inqu ir­ ies were made, we could no t learn the whereabouts. One day, about five years later, as th e w orker rode down town on a stre e t car, she saw from th e car window th is young Jewess on th e side­ walk. H u rried ly leaving th e car a t the next corner, she overtook th e girl, and a very happy meeting followed. As th ey w alked on together, th e young g irl told how she had recently lo st her m other th rough influenza, and th a t since h er m o ther’s death h er fath e r had gone away from th e city w ith ano ther woman, leaving h er homeless. I t was an opportune tim e to tell her of th e F rie n d “ th a t sticketh closer th a n a b ro th er,” and needing th e com fort and counsel of a friend as she did, her h ea rt responded to th e “ old, old story,” and when they were alone in a little room she knelt- down and received as her Saviour Jesus, th e friend of sinners. — Jam es A. Yaus, Supt.

F rom Home to Home W ith th e B ible One of th e joys th a t comes to the Bible Woman is to know th a t those to whom she has been sent are growing in grace and are being used of God.

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