King's Business - 1919-05

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S overpowering in th e denunciation of hyprocrisy, were more in teresting to me th a n any lectures I ever heard. He has had a rem arkable experience and his sermons are as full of th rilling n a rra ­ tives as a pudding is of plums. Nearly all of th e unsaved people th a t attended the meetings were converted and a su r­ prisingly large percentage of the church members came forw ard as seekers for salvation. Nicholson is not the type of evangelist who leaves the church un­ changed except for a new lo t of “ join­ ers.” If he is used of God in making over the membership till they are worth twice as much, is th is not b etter th an simply a class of unsatisfactory joiners? He is the foe of Christian Science, Rus- sellism , Spiritualism and all such fads, and if you w ant these to prosper in your town, don’t send for him. He is a man of prayer and a deep studen t of the Bible and promotes devotion and Bible study among those who atten d his meetings.” M. Nicholson ju st closed a rem a rk ­ able series of meetings w ith th ree churches a t Sparks, Nev. The pastor of Emmanuel B aptist church says: “ B rother Nicholson b rough t to Sparks a h ea rt runn ing over w ith love of God and he preached in th e power of the Holy Spirit. His messages rang tru e and we rejoice th a t th e Bible In stitu te makes it possible for communities like Sparks to have the services of so strong a man. His afternoon sermons on the Holy Spirit were m ightily used of God in bringing Christian people to su rren ­ der unconditionally. Many ol(i grudges and wrongs were righ ted in Sparks. The . sp iritu al atmosphere in our churches has wonderfully changed. We have served under many evangelists, b u t none have left the city w ith such a good taste in the mouth as he has left ours. We joyfully recommend him as a safe and sane evangelist who will preach the whole council of God and do your community good.” May 4, 1919


There has c o m e back to th e neigh- borhood in which the w riter has heen



working recently a woman who th ree years ago came to th e Lord Jesus Christ afte r having trie d Christian Science and a little b it of everything save th e sal­ vation which has been purchased for us by th e Lord Jesus Christ. She is not only standing herself, bu t is constantly testifying to th e old friends who tried so h ard to lead h er astra y to th e saving power of th e Lord, and to the falsity of th e teachings which she had a t one time well nigh accepted. A young lady to u rist visiting our city, came in touch w ith an earn est teacher of God’s Word. Supposing herself to be saved, she soon found th a t she had never really received Jesus, and when she did, her whole being seemed changed and God laid on her h e a rt such a burden for the home girls th a t she could hardly w ait to tell them about th e new life and w hat it did for those who really had it. Now she is hoping to ta k e a course in the Bible In stitu te to fit herself for definite Christian work. Already, God has used h er in saving many girl friends. Mrs. T. C. Horton, Supt. Two Successful Nicholson Meetings Evangelist Nicholson has recently held two very fru itfu l campaigns under th e auspices of th e evangelistic dep art­ m ent of the Bible In stitu te of Los An­ geles. The pastor of th e Methodist church a t Redwood City, Calif., w rites: , “Under Evangelist Nicholson we had th e first revival in th irty years, th ree churches cooperating. The Nicholson meetings are, in my opinion, an excel­ len t investment, even from th e stand ­ point of a series of en tertain ing lec­ tures. His sermons, now excruciatingly funny in the ridicule of th e works of th e devil; and now p athetic in the accounts of the victims of sin; and now

Divine In stru cto r, gracious Lord, Be Thou forever near; Teach me to love Thy sacred Word, And view my Saviour herb.

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