King's Business - 1919-05

The Filing of Bible Material Suggestions to the Minister and Christian Worker as to how Material may be kept always at hand, read;? for use. B>> K. L. B.

tu rn in g to th e section “ H ” of th e book reg ister, we find th a t “H -l” is “How to Study th e Bible.” A th ird section is given to a tex tu al index for each book of th e Bible, th e pages being ru led so as to designate chapter and verse. Suppose one found in book “H -l,” on page 35 a reference to Psa. 1:3 which it m ight a t some tim e be desirable to locate quickly. Under th e section for Psalm s, column T, the en try would be made “ H -l-3 5 .” F o r those who have to construct sermons and Bible readings, th is section is of untold value. The stud en t can tu rn in stan tly to everything in his lib rary on a given text. The old method would be to make a note on a card or slip of paper, placing th is in a labeled enve­ lope, and th e reference could be located only by looking th rough all th e slips in th e envelope and very often one would no t be sure which envelope it was placed in. By th e Wilson method, all loose papers are done away w ith and a simple en try of th ree or four characters shows a t a glance where the inform a­ tion is to be found. I t is often asked, “W hat shall we do w ith clippings?” Our method has been, ju s t so far as possible, to paste these in perm anent scrap books, giving to each clipping a number. The Scrap­ book is th en given its place in th e book reg ister (perhaps “S -l” ) and th e num ­ ber of a clipping would be tabu lated the same as if it were a page in a book. Occasionally, however, one wishes to preserve a clipping th a t cannot be pasted in a book. These clippings should be numbered consecutively and placed eith er in a file or draw er kept for th e purpose. The file would then

The fact th a t th e W ilson Index com­ pany are advertisers in th is magazine has no t prompted us to w rite th is a rti­ cle. We have long w anted to call the atten tion of those of our subscribers who are C hristian workers or Bible stu ­ dents to th is valuable Bible tool. Sev­ eral years experience in th e use of th e W ilson topical and tex tu al index book have dem onstrated th a t it is in advance of any o ther system we know of for enabling one to locate th e m aterial he w ants when h e w ants i t . . Most Chris­ tia n w orkers have self-invented systems for keeping tab on th e ir m aterial, w ith th e resu lt th a t it is only once in ten tim es th a t they can place th e ir hand on th e p articu lar piece of inform ation or th e illu stratio n they want. The W ilson index book is an artistic­ ally and sub stan tially bound volume of 400 pages, a m arvel of simplicity and effectiveness. One section contains an alphabetical index for th e titles of books in ones lib rary , so th a t each book is given its le tte r and number. F o r instance, th e book, “How to study th e B ible” would be listed und er “H ” and if on th e first line would be “H -I,” which designation would be placed in th e fro n t of th e book. Another sec­ tion of th e index is given to a topical index, arrang ed alphabetically w ith plenty of space on each page for many topics under each le tte r. If, for in­ stance, on page 30 of “How to Study th e Bible, one should find something of likely value on th e subject of “Medi­ ta tio n ,” under th e le tte r “M” of th e topical section, th e en try would be made—-“H -l-3 0 .” This would in stan tly show th a t in book “H - l” on page 30, th e desired item would be found. By

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