King's Business - 1919-05



A black man in Jam aica, th ink ing of his form er life, when he served Satan, as compared w ith his life under the new m anagement of th e Lord Jesus Christ, said, “I look on my hands and they seem quite new, I look on my feet and they seem so, too; Massa Jesus reigns.” To th e tru ly “horn ag ain ” "old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new .” T ransform ed By a Face. In B righton in a little shop hangs th e picture of F red erick Robertson. The p rop rieto r of th e shop said, “ If I am ever tempted to do a mean th ing in th is business, I come into th is room and look a t the picture of Robertson, and I cannot do it.” “But we all with unveiled face, beholding as in a m irror, th e glory of th e Lord, are transform ed in to the same image from glory to glory, even as from th e Lord- the S p irit.” 2 Cor. 3:18. W hat a thing in life to have a picture of Jesus in the glory always before you. God Gives H is Likeness to Us. Ju st as the m other cat im parts her likeness to th e kittens, and th e mother lion to the little cubs, and th e Japanese m other to her little black haired, squint eyed baby, so does God im p art H is likeness to His children. “Behold now are we th e sons of God, and it doth n o t yet appear w hat we shall be, b u t we know th a t when He shall appear we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” A lady applied to h er pastor, asking fo r a district, which she m ight visit. He said, “ I mfist not ask you to tak e B lank Alley, it is so w retched and d irty .” “All th e more needing sym­ pathy and help,’’ she said. And she w ent to work there. Some tim e later a little boy resident was asked “Where is Jesus C h rist?” and he answered “He lives in our Alley now .” Joseph Alliene as he passed from th is world to th e next said to his wife, “My dear h eart, my companion in all my tribu lation and afflictions, I t th ank

thee for all thy pains and labors for me a t home and abroad, in prison and a t liberty, in health and sickness. This vile body shall be made like C h rist’s glorious body. Oh, w hat a, glorious day will th e day of the resurrection be.” A' little H indu girl, six years old, prayed th is prayer, “ Dear Jesus, make me like w hat You were when You were six years old.” 3«8j grog! afa? afe v. 26. L et u s m ake m an in our image. The p lu rality of the God-head is suggested in the very first chapter of the Bible. This p lu rality is also indicated by the COMMENT FROM name of God, MANY SOURCES w l t i c h i s the K . L. Brooks p lu ral noun. The very p a s s a g e U nitarians and Jews’ make so much of in arguing against the T rin ity (Dept. 6 :4 ) is literally th e Lord our Gods.— Torrey. Our image. This image is found chiefly in m an’s triu n ity and in his moral n atu re.— Scofield. If the image was bodily, it was the image of th e second person of th e T rinity, who had tak en creatu re form in order to create (C o l. 1 :15 ; Heb. 1 :3 ; Rev. 3 :1 4 ), as He afterw ard took human form in o rder to redeem (John 1 :1 4 ). Comp Bible. A fter o u r likeness. It has been asserted th a t th e monkey is th e embryo human, so th a t if you keep a baboon long enough, it will develop itself into a man, bu t th is is to imagine th a t an ape can lift itself into a divine n atu re and become God-like, a fancy not only absurd bu t profane. He who makes him self in though t the ape is guilty of sacrilege. He sins against the temple of the Holy Ghost.— Bishop. v. 27. God created m an in H is own image. T hat th e man was created before the woman, and th a t therefo re a precedence is adjudged to him is clear from 1 Tim. 2:15.— Calwer. We should expect to find the earliest man exactly as we do find him, ’possessing superior-

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