King's Business - 1919-05

445 Man. T h at is righ t, and who will tell me how God made m an? Out of th e du st of th e earth . Was he alive then? No, he did not become alive un til God b reath ed H is b reath into- him. W hat was th e name of th is first man th a t God made? Adam. God planted a Very b eau tifu l garden, called the Garden of Eden, and p u t Adam in th e garden. God w anted Adam to be happy in th is lovely garden w ith its grass and flowers, w ith a sparkling riv er flowing through it to w ater and keep it fresh. W h at a pleasan t life for Adam, eating th e deli­ cious fru it and g ath ering th e p retty b rig h t flowers, and playing w ith the animals. Say, you boys and girls would have ju s t had th e tim e of your lives, for you know th e anim als a t th is tim e were all tame, so you could ride the elephants and be ju s t as safe as you are today riding th e burro. You could play w ith th e lion and the bears. Now a t the tim e of our sto ry when th e world was so new, none of th e animals had names, so one day God b rough t them all to Adam to see w h at he would name them . You see Adam was a very sm art man to know ju st w hat to name each animal. Now when ever you see a

THE K I NG ' S B U S I N E S S God th e C reato r and F a th e r. Gen. 1:26-28; 2:7-9. Memory Verse: “Our F a th e r who a r t in heaven, hallowed be th y nam e.” Matt. 6:9. Approach: Children, who made th e chairs we are sitting in? W hat are they made out of? W here do we get th e wood? And who made th e trees? God. Can men make BEGINNERS t r e e s ? No, only AND PRIMARY G o d c a n m a k e Mabel L. M errill them . In our story th is morning we are going to h ear about the most won­ derful, th ing God ever made. When we pray we are talk ing to God who is able to m ake so many w onderful things, which even the sm artest men in the whole world cannot make. P rayer. Lesson Story: A long tim e ago, th ere were no people on th is earth , b u t even th en th ere was always one person in heaven. Do you know Who? God. We remember a sto ry we had ju st a few weeks ago which told us all about the beau tifu l ea rth God made, w ith the p retty green trees, flowers, birds and all kinds of animals. Now who can tell me w hat God made afte r all these?

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