King's Business - 1919-05



shedding of blood is no rem ission” (Heb. 9 :2 2 ). Reader, Are you under th e blood; are you clothed in th e righ ­ teousness of Christ provided for you in H is death? Both are yours fo r the taking. “The g ift of God is etern al life th rough Jesus Christ our Lord.” The way out of Eden was th rough doubt and disobedience; th e way in is through faith and obedience. W ill you rem ain outside, or will you accept th e inv ita­ tion and come in? Matt. 11:28-30; John 6 :37 ; Rev. 22:17. How long the peace and pu rity of P arad ise continued, we do not know. Adam and Eve, made in the image of God, made for each other, in th e full enjoym ent of God’s HEART OF fellowship, and w ith THE LESSON au th o rity over all cre- T. C. H orton ated matter,. — were n o t left long in th e enjoym ent of th is felicity. Today, we view the tragic incident which term in ­ ated the life of man in P arad ise and relegated him to a life of sin and suffer­ ing in a world burdened w ith God’s curse. Remember, we are n ow 'in th e Book of beginnings, and are confronted w ith th e g reat and grave problems of sin and salvation. We are studying the seed plot of the Bible. There are many difficulties in our way, bu t the main track is clear. God is no t th e au th o r of sin. Man is a free moral agent, sub­ ject to tem ptation, he vo luntarily fell and in th a t fall he involved the race. This is th e foundation of P au l’s arg u ­ m ent in th e Book of Romans and in o th er epistles. There is no attem p t here a t dram a­ tic effort. The devil is introduced by th e statem en t of his subtilty. He is not personally seen; we are not told who he is, or from whence he comes. For some good reaon, God did no t see fit to unfold th e whole tru th concerning him un til the appearance of Christ who was

to become his Master. He is n o t cloven­ footed and horned, arm ed w ith a pitch- fork. He does n o t make his abode in saloons or dens of infamy. He is the prince of th is world, an angel of light, refined, cultured, esthetic, and has suc­ ceeded in blinding the eyes of all man­ kind to the tru th , and by his subtilty has made them believe a lie. He is the dom inant sp irit in all form s of error, and th e au th o r of all th e old and new­ fangled “ ism s” which have prevailed from Adam to Mrs. Eddy. He moved w ith ad ro it skill. He tempted Eve to doubt th e goodness of God. T h at is th e in troducto ry tem p ta­ tion in every life; to doubt th e love and th e goodness and the wisdom of God. Then we are prepared for every subsequent lie of th e devil. Note th e steps in th e tem ptation: (1 ) T hat God had purposely w ithheld th e fru it of th e tree from a selfish mo­ tive, th u s depriving Adam and Eve of some real blessing. (2) The attack upon th e Word of God, “Ye shall not su rely die.” (3) Arousing am bition in th e h e a rt of Eve, in doing which he makes God a liar. The whole Bible expresses th e desire of God and H is will th a t we become like Himself. Follow ing th e fall of Adam and Eve, we have presented to us the tru e picture of God, and every teacher should seek to get th e pictures of the Bible. God seeks, th e sinful pair. God misses th e fellowship w ith His crea­ tu res and seeks to resto re it. God is love, and He loves th is guilty pair. Can you h ear H is voice saying, “Adam, where a rt th o u ? ” He knew where he was, b u t He desires to aw aken Adam and bring him back to Himself. Their eyes are open; they knew good from evil, bu t w ithou t power to do the good, or to resist the evil. There is no picture in th e Bible more full of pathos th a n th a t of God coming to the rescue of these two and providing for them a way of escape. Hopeless, help­ less, degraded by th e ir sin, w orthy of

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