King's Business - 1919-05



th e money out of th e bank, your pic­ tu re will he brought into court. There is a window in heaven always open and all our deeds are recorded on heaven’s sensitive plates. * Sin H as th e Sting of Death in It. One day a gentlem an in India went into his lib rary and took down a book. As he did so he felt a sligh t pain in his finger like th e prick of a pin. Soon his finger began to swell, then his arm , and then his whole body. It was not a pin on the book cover, b u t a deadly serp en t hid away back of th e books. He died in a few hours. The serpent of sin lu rk s in books, pleasures, com­ panions, business, politics and even in some churches. Look out for it! It even hide& in our own n atu res. A young girl grasped a w ire hanging from a post. In stan tly she was fast­ ened to a bu rn ing cu rren t. H er mother tried to help h er b u t was knocked down by a shock. A man n ear by, chopped th e w ire w ith an axe and saved the girl. So w ith sin. I t burns into the soul un til Christ is received and looses us from it. “He was made sin for us, who knew no sin, th a t we m ight be made th e righteousness of God in H im .” v. 1. The serpent. Not to be though t of as a w rith ing reptile. T h at is the effect of th e curse (v. 14). The crea­ tu re which len t itself to Satan may well have been COMMENT FROM th e most beauti- MANY SOURCES ful as well as th e K. L. B rooks most subtile of creatu res l e s s th a n man.— Scofield. H e said u n to th e woman. He approached h er when she was alone. The moments when we are alone often afford th e devil his best opportunity.-—Torrey. There being in th e pure bosoms of th e first p air no principle of evil to work upon, a solici-, tation to sin could only come from

w ithout, as in th e case of Jesus Christ (Matt. 4 :3 ).— J. F. & B. H ath God said. The criticism of God’s Word is th e doorway to disobedience to God’s will.— Torrey. S atan ’s first u tterance in Scripture. Opposition to God’s Word is S atan ’s fear of activity.-—Comp. Bible. T ree of th e garden. All history is again st th e view th a t all one needs to keep them in holiness and respect­ ab ility is b etter environm ent. Adam and Eve did no t fall in a m etropolitan Slum where falling seems to be the h ab it and custom of th e air. They fell in the sunniest garden th a t ever bloomed w ith unstained flowers. | So much for environment.--—P ark er. v. 2. Woman said. We are h alf de­ feated when we parley w ith the tem pter.— Sel. H er first failu re was in her not observing th e first point of th e tem ptation and th e allow ing of h er­ self to be drawn into an argum en t w ith th e tem pter.—-Keil. B etter shun the b ait th a n struggle in the snare.—Dry- den. Every tem ptation is an oppor­ tu n ity of getting n earer to God.— Adams. v. 3. N either shall ye touch it. She added to w hat God had said. W hether h er m is-quotation proceeded from ignor­ ance or indifference, or a desire to rep resen t God in an a rb itra ry light, it is plain th a t she was entirely off the tru e ground of simple confidence in and subjection to God’s Holy Word.— McIntosh. v. 4. Ye shall n o t surely die. This is th e first lie in th e Bible.-—A. G. Brown. This has become the founda­ tion of Spiritism and trad itio n al belief as to death.— Comp. Bible. P rim arily physical d eath (v. 19 ), b u t physical death is not all th e death th a t resu lts from disobedience to God (Eph. 2 :1 ; Col. 2 :13 ; 1 Tim. 5 :6 ; Rev. 2 :8 ).— Torrey. v. 5. Your eyes shall b e opened. Not merely a condition of higher in telli­ gence, b u t ra th e r a state of perfect inde­ pendence of God.— Lange. He le ft out

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