King's Business - 1919-05

454 Disobeying Our Heavenly F ath e r. Gen. 3:1-24. Memory Verse: “The wages of sin is death; bu t the g ift of God is eternal life.” Romans 6:23. Approach: Do you remember about th e beautiful garden where Adam and Eve lived? Yes, and we rem ember how very happy they were there. God came d o w n i n t o this BEGINNERS beau tifu l g a r d e n AND PRIMARY e v e r y d a y and Mabel L. M errill talk ed and visited w i t h A d a m and Eve, and we know how they would watch for Him every day ju st like you boys and girls watch for fath e r to come home a t night. They would tell Him w h at they had been doing among the flowers, birds and anim als, and how happy they were. Let us, bow our heads and ask Jesus to help us under­ stand our lesson story today. Lesson Story: A little boy told me the o ther day he ju st loved th e Bible stories because they are tru e. T h at is why they are so in teresting too. All we are learning about Adam and Eve really happened, and today th ey are up in heaven w ith God, and all we th a t love Jesus and obey Him, will meet

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S them up there, and then we will ask them to tell us all about everything th a t happened, for if Go

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