King's Business - 1919-05

455 like Adam and Eve in th e garden. They listened to Satan instead of to God and had to leave th e beau tifu l garden and work h ard for a living like all tbe people since. Satan tells men and hoys to smake and drink th a t it will help them and it h u rts them . He tells girls and women to dance, b u t Satan never te ll sail th e h arm and suffering these things will cause. Our memory verse tells us the wages S atan pays and the wages God pays. Let us always obey God and live forever w ith Jesus in heaven. d o s in g p ray er: Dear Lord Jesu s help us to obey thee a t all times. INFALLIBLE PROFESSORS Philip Schaff in speaking of some of th e critics of the Bible, says tru ly : “The good Lord knows everything, b u t some of these professors know a little more, especially when it comes to th e Bible.” Lord Halsbury, form er Lord Chan- ce\lor of G reat B ritain, made some prac­ tical rem ark s th a t are w orth passing along. “ I am no t certain th a t I may not be tread ing on th e corns of some who are presen t,’.’ said he, “ b u t I wish to make a general p ro test again st the notion th a t a gentlem an who calls him ­ self a ‘professor’ should be allowed to make statem en ts w ithout a particle of evidence to support them . When law­ yers assert anything in court, .they are expected to give evidence in proof of th e ir statem ents, and if they do not, it is supposed to be because they have none to give. A professor appears to be relieved from any such anxiety. He seems to th in k th a t all he has got to do is to say so-and-so, and as he is a professor, he cannot be contradicted. This appeared to be th e a ttitu d e adopted by the so-called Jahv ist and E lohist theories in reg ard to Genesis, and often th e re was no t a scrap of evi­ dence to support th e ir statem ent. He th en added forcefully: “ I th in k a g reat deal of it is absolute rubb ish .”

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S p en t to ask Eve th is question? It was Satan, th e wicked one, and when ever anybody today tells us th e Bible is not tru e and is not God’s word, we w an t to always remember it is Satan trying to get us not to believe God ju st like he did w ith Eve. - Then Satan told the serpent to tell Eve she would no t die if she ate the fru it, so we have in th is story the first lie th a t was ever told in th e world, so every tim e you tell some­ th ing th a t is not true, you have listened to Satan ju st like Eve did. Eve knew w hat God had said, b u t she looked a t th e .fru it on the tree, and when she saw how nice it looked, she came closer to th e tree and reached up and took hold of th e fru it, and th en she pulled it off from th e tree, ate some and gave th e re st to Adam her husband and he ate it. He knew it was w rong for Ciod had told them no t to eat it. Very soon a fte r they had eaten of the fru it they h eard a voice in th e garden; they both knew it was God’s voice, and they hid themselves among th e trees. Always before they had watch for God and were so glad to see Him, b u t now they Were afraid . Can you guess w hat made them afraid ? They had done wrong by dis­ obeying God, th a t is they did the very th ing God had asked them not to do. When m other has been away from home and she comes back you know how glad you are to see her. Are you ju st as glad to see her if you have been doing wrong while she was away? No, indeed yQu feel ju s t like Adam and Eve felt, you are afraid. When ever we do wrong, and th e Bible says w rong doing is sin, it makes us afraid. When God asked Adam if he had eaten of th e forbidden fru it, Adam blamed Eve. You know th a t is ju st like us when we get into trouble by sinning, we try to blame someone else. God told them if they ate th e fru it they would die, and th is sin brought death into th e world, for to disobey God is sin, and if th ere had never been any sin, people would have lived always and been happy ju st

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