King's Business - 1919-05

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 397 Spurgeon, H. G rattan Guinness, A. J. Gordon and Dw ight L. Moody, each in tu rn contended w ith m ighty pen ag ain st a m u ltitud e of self-appointed and self-esteem ­ ing critic’s attack s upon Bible schools— a criticism th a t has no t ceased, b u t the fallusade has been reduced to an occasional explosion of noxious gases, which, if th ey be no t harm less, are a t least impotent to impede Bible School progress.” Just at this present time, we are hearing a good many of explo­ sions. Some are charging that Bible Institutes, “ by a certain queer doc­ trine of the millfennium” are seeking to split the churches by making it appear that their view of the millennium is the test of orthodoxy. One Baptist editor charges that Dr. Gray, Dr. Riley, Dr. Torrey and others, perceiving the advertising value of their view* of the millennium at this time, are diligently propagating it to divide the churches. The fact of the matter is that none of these men are engaged in any such propaganda, do not make their view of the millennium the test of orthodoxy, and are far too busy in the preaching and teaching of the fundamental truths of Chris­ tianity and the winning of souls, to give themselves to any propaganda to divide the churches. Nevertheless, it is a fact .that churches are being divided and that we may look for a drawing of lines all over the country. The split will not be over the question of the manner in which the millennium is to come, but it will be between those who repudiate the Bible as the Word of God and want social service and German Kultur in its place—and those who believe (as Bible Schools are teaching) that the Bible is the very Word of God and that its program is to be followed. One recently said) ‘f It will be nothing surprising in a few summers if over the door of one Baptist church we will read, “ Orthodox Baptist Church” and over another, “ Unitarian Baptist Church.” We have seen this very thing taking place in the Congregational church and the line is sure to be drawn in all denominations as we approach the end of the present age. That Bible Institutes have done something to bring people back to the Bible, cannot be denied, and there is no greater work to be done in these days of turmoil,, The real question is between vital Christianity and paganism, and it is certain that if the seminaries that are disseminating unbelief do not have a house-cleaning, the people of means who believe in the Word of God, will cease contributing money to them and increasingly invest in the Bible Insti­ tutes as the only means of “contending for the faith once delivered,” in these last days.—K. L. B. The Pathfinder published in Washington, asks the question, “ What is the matter with the Churches? In forty-seven Protestant Churches in the capitol city were found only 15,000 people on Sunday Evening, but in thirty-five theaters on the same evening were found 38,000 people. Why do not people go to Church?” The Pathfinder goes on to conclude that the Church is not doing the work in the world for which it was founded. Again it admits that while Christianity is the greatest religion that the world has ever known, Jesus’ teachings are too lofty for humanity to attain unto. In other words the teachings of Jesus are not practical for mien living in the flesh. But here the charge of the Pathfinder proves the Word of God to be true. “ For the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: T H E BIBLE Vindicated Again

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