King's Business - 1919-05

398 THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S for they are foolishness unto Him.” The natural man cannot know the things of God, much less practice them. But it is not' God’s fault or the Bible’s fault. The difficulty is in man himself. Men will not obey the first requirement of God to “ Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,” and give God a chance to put a new life in them, that would enable them to live ofit (not up to) the teaching of Jesus. Just let the church come back to simple faith in God and faith in Jesus Christ as He is revealed in the Scriptures; and these charges about empty pews will not he brought against the Church. Let the Church begin to win men to God as did the early Christians. Let them worship in simplicity as did the church of the first century. Then and not till then will the world take notice and say to the Christians “ You have something we have not. We want it.”—W. H. P. •A. REMARKABLE Court Proceedure In a recent edition of The Los Angeles Herald, the following item appeared: As his la st official act. before retirin g from the bench, Superior Judge H. T. Dewhirst of San B ernardino read to persons in his court w hat he described as a “ pronunciam iento,” consisting of quotations from th e prophecies contained in the Bible. Judge Dewhirst declared th a t th is la st reading from his bench was “ the saddest duty of my career.” He said th e document he had prepared contained “ fragm ents of th e prophecies,” and th a t it was “ not a creed, nor criticism , nor a p ro test— b u t prophecy.” The judge explained th a t th e significance of his “ pronunciam iento” was “ p retty deep, very deep, in fact, and I would ra th e r it would speak for itself w ith­ out comment from me.” In 12 sections th e document quoted many passages of th e Bible predicting wars, fam ine, earthqu akes and th e fall of nations. This is a remarkable incident and suggests that there is a widespread and growing interest in prophetic truth all over the so-called Christian world. Men are turning to the Bible for the answer to the question, What next? We could heartily wish that there were a multitude of teachers in the pulpit and among the laity' competent to give to the hungry-hearted people an exposition of the sure word of prophecy. God has a simple plan of the ages that His people are entitled to know.—T. C. H. off Souls The following notice is said to have been tacked up in a Catholic Church in Mexico: Baffle For Souls A t th e la st raffle for souls th e following numbers obtained the prizes, and th e lucky holders may be assured th a t th e ir loved ones are forever released from th e flames of pu rgato ry and ushered into heavenly joys. T icket 41. The soul of Madame Calderon is made happy forever. T icket 762. The soul of the aged widow, Francesca de Parsons, is forever released from th e flames of purgatory. Another raffle for souls will be held a t th is same blessed church of the Redeemer on Ja n u ary 1, a t which four bleeding and to rtu red souls will be released from pu rgato ry to heaven according to th e four highest tickets in th is most holy R a f f l i n g ^¡¿ i, sfe aá» sfc

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