King's Business - 1919-05

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 471 in th e ocean in th e fish, and he did no t like th e ones in our story la st week,

for they believed Jo n a h ’s preaching, and they stopped doing th e wrong things and asked God to forgive them . Now ju s t th in k if Jonah had not obeyed God and gone to Nineveh all those thousands of people would have died in th e ir sins and been lost forever. Our memory verse tells us people are happy when th e ir sins are forgiven. “ Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven.” T h at word transgression is a big word b u t it means sin, and the word blessed means happy, so our mem­ ory verse says, happy is he whose sin is forgiven. T hink of the happy people th a t day in th e big city of Nineveh who had tu rn ed away from th e ir sins and had them forgiven. God is always will­ ing to forgive. d o s in g P ra y er: Dear Lord Jesus we th a n k thee for forgiving us our sins, and help us to te ll others about Jesus so they can be forgiven too. a » The hum blest occupation has in it m aterials of discipline for th e highest heaven.

something else too, he prayed and after God though t Jonah had been punished enough, He had th e fish come to shore and p u t Jonah on th e land. Then God spoke to Jonah again and told him to go to Nineveh and tell th e people He was going to punish them for th e ir sins. W hat do you th ink Jonah did th is tim e when God spoke to him? Yes, he sta rted rig h t away for Nineveh, and God saw th a t Jonah was obeying Him and of course He forgave Jonah for sinning against Him before by runn ing away from Him. God is always ready to forgive us when we do wrong, if we are sorry and stop doing th e wrong things and do the right. You see Jonah had to do w hat God asked him to do a fte r all, and ju st see how much suffer­ ing he would have saved him self if he had obeyed th e first time, and if God had not been so good and had th e big fish ready to swallow him he would have been drowned. When Jon ah got to the city of Nineveh he w ent all th rough th e streets of th e city and told them th a t God had seen all th e ir sins and was going to destroy them if they did no t repent, and these people were

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