King's Business - 1919-05



lottery. T ickets $1, to be had of th e fath e r in charge. Will you for th e poor sum of $1 leave your loved ones to bu rn in pu rg ato ry for ages? We do not see such notices in this country, hut the reason is clear. We have an open Bible so that he that runs may read.^—T. C. H. -w Sfe» “S ana H ”, A Padlock to the Scriptures It is impossible to “ contend for the faith once delivered” without “ rebuking” (Titus 1:13) those who seek to pervert the Gospel truth and without “ warning” (Rom. 16:17) those who are being blindly led away. Hundreds of intelligent people are in these days chasing after a teaching which according to Jesus Christ is not “ Christian” and which according to the highest scientific authorities is far from being “ science.” The popularity of “ Eddyism” as a system of religion has its cause, beyond question, in the fact that it offers to mjake the way to heaven broad, smooth, and exceedingly easy on the flesh. It requires no confession of sin, which is the first fundamental of Christianity (Rom. 3:23)' and it professes to give personal victory without any conquest, for by merely thinking so, it turns sins into virtues and transgressions of all the laws of nature into immunity from retributive justice. It has no need of the redemptive work that cost infinite suffering to Jesus Christ and no need of the purifying work of the Holy Spirit in the life. The mission of suffering, without which there never would have been a real religion—suffering, which as one has said, ‘‘ is the pruning of the orchard of the heart ’’—is denied and its lessons therefore wholly lost. The consistent Christian Scientist cannot be “his brother’s keeper” and cannot logically extend the hand of mercy to those who are troubled and ill, for to do so would be a recognition of the realities they seek to deny. No system either of ethics or religion practices so little charity as the followers of Mrs. Eddy. What it leads to as a system of science is suggested by the drawing entitled “ Nobody Home” appearing in this issue. A Los Angeles physician who publishes a pamphlet entitled “ A Study of the REAL Christian Science ’’ says: “The u tte r disregard of Christian Scientists for hygienic and san itary meas­ ures in m a tte r of health— an a ttitu d e which simply am ounts to a defiance of n a tu ra l and evolutionary laws— would, if carried ou t to its logical consequence, bring back th e san itation of our hospitals and public in stitu tion s to a level corre­ sponding to conditions th a t prevailed a t th e tim e when th e deadly contagion of th e black pest, bubonic plague, cholera morbus, smallpox, etc., swept over the hygienically defenseless commonwealths of th e old world. And yet in th e face of th e most common and irrefu tab le facts as to the immanence to health of general sanitation, the Christian Scientist on th e basis of an u tte rly un sub stan tial “ text book” continues to m ake claims th a t m a tte r Is u n rea l and physical condiions power­ less to affect, In one way o r o th er, th e sta te of Individual health . Paradoxical as It may appear, yet it is evident, th a t it is th e very failu re of C hristian Science to practice its principles which makes its seem ing success a possibility.” Christian Science is neither religious religion nor sensible science.— K. L. B. . C H R IS T FIRST For months the world has been full of talk about the dawning of the millennium. While the war was in progress, it was the war that was said

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