King's Business - 1919-05

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S in Christ, it was only th e Divine prep­ aration for the Gospel. The law demands obedience. The Gospel brings in C h rist’s perfect obedience. The law condemns every man who is not perfect. The Gospel points to a perfect Saviour who is our substitute. The law locks th e door on th e sinner. Christ unlocks the door and opens it wide. When the S cripture declares th a t we are not under law, it does not mean th a t the Ten Commandments are abolished. It says th a t we are no t saved by keeping them nor lost by failing to keep them. We are saved by Christ and we can not be lost. We obey from th e in stinct of the new n atu re find from g ratitu d e to sovereign grace. . . PRESIDENT’S COLOSSAL BLUNDER The ed ito rial en titled “Our P resi­ d en t’s Colossal B lunder,” by Dr. Torrey, printed in our March issue, brought fo rth such num erous calls for extra copies for distribution, th a t th is article has been p rin ted in tra c t form and can be procured a t 10 cents a dozen copies, a t Biola Book Room. Thousands of th e trac ts have already been sold. It will be remembered th a t th e article was relative to Catholicism. SURE CURE FOR SKEPTICS The best cure for skepticism about th e Bible, it has long been said by ex­ perience, is reading th e Bible in full, and often. The complete cure vfrom destructive criticism is only to read it still more fully. The dense ignorance of the contents of th e whole Bible by p reten tiou s echoers of th e critics shows th a t it is th e re the crtics have th eir easy conquest. Reading many books abou t th e Bible is no t studying it; nor is nibbling at texts, to which men are tem pted by the richness and beauty of single texts, so valuable. When a man reads th e whole Gospel of John a t a sitting, or Job, or Isaiah, or Daniel, they grip his mind and soul.— Rev. Chas. Roads.

480 When the disciples said, “Lord increase our ia ith ,” the Master replied in effect, “ It is no t more faith you need b u t faith of a different -kind. An infinitesimal am ount of th e rig h t kind of faith will be effective where a vast am ount of any o ther kind will fail.” The despairing fath e r of the dem on-tortured boy came to Jesus saying “ If thou canst do any­ thing, have compassion on us and help us.” Jesus repeated th e phrase th a t fell from th e fa th e r’s lips, possibly in a questioning if not a reproachful tone, because of th e unbelief suggested, “ If thou canst”— “all things aré possible to him th a t believeth.” The fath e r accepted the implied rebuke and cried o u t w ith tears, “ Lord I believe, help thou my unbelief” and his son was straigh tw ay delivered. F aith grows by exercise. If you w ant more faith use w h at you have. David’s victories over th e lion and the bear gave him confi­ dence in meeting Goliath of Gath. F id elity in lesser things leads to pro­ motion and en tru stm en t w ith larger opportunities and obligations. We are saved by faith not by works. The law is neith er th e means of ju sti­ fication nor a ru le of life to the believer. I t was added because of transgressions in o rder th a t th e heinousness of sin m ight be revealed. The law has a high and holy honor bu t it was no t intended to make us righteous nor to ru le us when grace th rough faith has made us righteous. Abraham was justified by fa ith and not by works. H is offering up of Isaac did no t ju stify him for he was justified by faith twenty-five years before Isaac was born and four hundred and th irty years before the law was given. Three things make up salva­ tion. Grace brings it. T itus 2:11. Prom ise pledges it. T itus 1:2. F aith receives it. Rom. 10:11. P aul insisted th a t he did not destroy th e law because he denied its power to justify. It is a ll rig h t in its place if a man use it lawfully, i. e., according to its proper design. Glass is good in a window but n o t in a hum an stomach. If th e law had been given to promote holiness of life instead of leading merely to a con­ sciousness of sin, th en it m ight be a riv al of th e Gospel. Since, however, th e effect of th e law had been to make men realize th a t th ere was b u t one way of escape and th a t was th e way of faith and th e acceptance of the Prom ise SATURDAY, May 31. Rom. 3:20-31. Salvation by F aith .

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