King's Business - 1923-08




every Convention address, in full, for every one was Inspiring and helpful, but of course our limited space makes this Impossible. We are, however, giv– ing a few excerpts which will give an Idea of the themes discussed. Paul Rader, President of the Chris– tian Missionary Alliance, In the open– ing address of the Convention, declared that "Evolution never lifted a man from the gutter nor wrought the salva– tion of a fallen woman." He scored the teaching of "Higher Criticism", of "Rationalism" and of 0 Modernism" in the churches, the colleges, and the for– eign mission field and urged his hear– ers to see that none of their church or missionary money went to support them. His talk was well punctuated with "Amens" from the a udience. Dr. T. T. Shields, Pastor of Jarvis St. Baptist Church, Toronto, Canada: "My Lord Jesus Christ is the Priest of Sorrow, King of Peace, Emperor of Woe. Man must fully realize the mean– ing of Calvary before he can become a true follower of Christ. If we could measure that infinite stoop from heaven to earth, we could appreciate the mea– sure of God's love. In the story of Calvary is found the basis of the ap– peal underlying the Fundamental Movement." (Dr. Riley, in introducing Dr. Shields, said: "The bravest fight I have ever known any man to make has been made by this man in Canada. He has not only made the fight, but has won the victory. He stands on solid ground, and the men who opposed him realize that they have opposed a giant.") Dr. Arthur H. Carter, Pastor of Hounslow Interdenominational Church, HoUJJslow, England, spoke of "lower criticism" as that process of verifica– tion of the authenticity of the transla– tion and origin of Scripture which has proved that the Holy Spirit is the sole author of the Bible, characterizing "higher criticism" as a subtle Jesultry.

In proof of this he cited the fact that it is almost impossible to get religious books published in England unless they contain some smattering of higher criti– cism. Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, noted Bible Teacher nud Author, recently elected General Secretary of the Central Ameri– can Mission, and pastor of the Scofield Memorial Church, Dallas Texas, de– clared that one of the greatest dangers of the present time Is that of a group of people putting their own experience above the Word of God. "The Church of Christ bas allowed unregenerate men to come in and tell us what to believe and what not to believe. These men may be honest enough, they may be very learned and possessed of discrim– inating minds, but they are utterly dis– qualified for this service because they have not the Spirit of God." Mr. Charles G. Trumbull, Editor of the S.S. Times, speaking on the subject "Safeguarding our Faith in the Sunday School," pointed out some of the dan– gers which menace the Sunday School and cited the case of a college profes– sor who told the teachers that their work "might lead to the finding of an– other Moses, another Amos, another Jesus among the scholars." Mr. Trum– bull urged the importance of having every Sunday School teacher and of– ficer sign a statement of doctrine before being allowed to teach. Dr. W. L. Pettingill, Dean of Phil– adelphia School of the Bible. "Those of us of middle age, can re– member when a minister who doubted the validity of any part of the Bible was a marked man. Today, the man who stands four square for the doctrine of the verbal inspiration of the Word of God in any pulpit in any city in this land, is a marked man because he Is becoming so rare. We are living In a time of great spiritual declension and darkness and apostasy." Dr. R. M. Stevenson, F. R. G. 8.,

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