King's Business - 1923-08




err or suggested or accepted in twenty centuries! It changed its leading ex– ponent, Charles Darwin , fr om a Chris– tian to an agnostic; it created in Spen– cer an utter skepticism concerning the Scriptures and sacred things; ft made Huxley question every fundamental or the Christian faith; it provided a phil– osophy In Haeckel's " R iddle or the Un• verse" which ruled God out. It is the philosophy of life entertained today by a majority of the leaders of Socialism and Anarchism, and no two phrases were ever coined that became such shibboleths of blood as "The struggle for existence," and "The survival or the fittest" proved in the combat or 1914-1918. "By their fruits ye shall know them." If any philosophy was ever weighed in the balance and found wanting to such an extent that intelligent men ought to turn with loathing from the same, it is the theory of evolution; and ff there Is a spot on earth where it has rendered any profit to an individual, to society, or to the State, let its ~dvocates migrate to that spot and continue their teach– ings there! Mark you, we are not talking of "de– velopment," of "improvement," or "mere varieties within species"-we are talking of "evolution," or the "de– velopment of one species from another." In other words, we are using terms as the dictionary defines them; we are not employing that subterfuge of modern sophists-the use of language to conceal rather than to convey thought. Let such hypocrisy of speech be the exclus– ive prerogative of Mary Baker Eddy, the monopoly of Conan. Doyle and Sir Oliver Lodge. But let all well balanced men and women, who want their word to be regarded, go back to their dic– tionary and they will find a fresh Justi– fication of Sir George Mivart's declara– tion, "Evolution is a puerile hypothe– sis," and a vindication of the words or Dr. Trass, the paleontologist, who could

and when they were listening to the philosophies of men, he was giving au– dience to the inspired revelation, and we know why he has been the marvel of millenniums. If one would press the principle fur– ther, let him call the names of the most outstanding and highly civilized nations of this day and ask what one thing has contributed to their uplift, and given them power in the midst of their fellow– men, and you know the unmistakable answer, "They have had the Bible, the Book divine." "A glory gilds the sacred page, Majestic like the sun; It gives a light to every age, It gives, but borrows none. The Word that gave it still supplies The gracious light and heat; Its truths upon the nations rise, They rise but never set." When once science or philosophy has produced a book that excels the Bible, or propounded an explanation of the origin of all things that surpasses that of Genesis, or given us as many demon– strations of th~ evolution theory as the depths of the sea and the bowels of the earth have revealed concerning the law "to each seed it is given to bring forth after its kind," then and not until then can we accept the theory of evolu– tion. (2) THE EVIL TARES OF EVOLU– TION. But to return to our text,-! affirm without fear of contradiction, for this age at least, the theory of evolution is the evil seed. It has evilly affected every ground into which if has been sown; it has made a semi-skeptic of every youth who has believed it; it has discredited every school that has adopt– ed It; it has divided every local church Into which it has worked Its way; it has more largely paralyzed the powers of the church at large than any other

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