King's Business - 1923-08




the quartz shot through with gold, be so subjected to fire, the dross will be separated from the precious metal and can be flung away. What else can you do with dross ? Shall we leave the tares and wheat to grow together then? Yes, until the time of the end, but it is not incumbent upon any man to go on cultivating a farm captured by tares. That is why Martin Luther left the papacy. That is why Charles Spurgeon quit the Baptist Social Union of England. That may yet prove the necessity of a denomina-

tional division, an utterly new alliance. and give occasion for a fresh applica– tion of Paul's appeal to the Corinthians. "Be ye not unequally yoketl together with unbelie,·ers, for what fellowship hnth righteousness ·with unrighteousness? and ·what co1nm1111lon hnth light '\Tith dnrkncss? Aud ·whnt eont'ord hnth Christ '\'\'Ith Dellal f Or whnt pnrt hnth he that be– lievt'th ·with nn Jnfldel t Antl what nrgee– ment hnth the tem1>le of God with idols? l<'"'or ye nre the tem1,le of the Jiving God, ns God hnth snht, I "'ill 1.hvell In them and wnlk Jn them, nnd I will b.e their Gotl nnd they shall be my 11eo11le. Wherefore con1e out fro1u among theu1 nrul be ye sl•Jtnrute, s:tlth the J,or1l, nnd touch not the unclenn thing, nnd 1 ,,·lll receive you, nncl " ·Ill be n Father unto you, and ye fooohnll be my sons nn1l daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." (Z Cor. 0:14-18.) During the first three years of the Bureau's existence (ending December 31, 1922), it expended a total of $17,- 725.43, while the press gave over $3,- 000,000 worth of space free. This Is a return, not in cash, BUT IN VALUE BETTER THAN THE PUREST OF GOLD, OF OVER 16,000 PER CENT; AND IN SOUL VALUE THE INFINITE PER CENT OJ<, MARI{ 8 :36, 37! Here then is a movement which de– serves the prayers and support of every Christian in America, for not only is it helping to Jay the foundation for re– vival of the Church (no true revival can come apart from God's Word and prayer), but is helping also to evan– gelize millions, and to raise the ethical standard of multitudes. One editor wrote that to carry the Bible messages at the head of his editorial columns meant that he must square his editorial utterances therewith. PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS MOVE– MENT. Pray for its officers. Write and assure them of your prayers. (See address above.) Pray for the 4,000 daily readers to whom one penny per day givos a Bible message; for the 40,- 000 reached by a dime a day; for the

A Nation-wide Evangelizing Agency (See "Note" on Page 815.)

HE "Back to the Bible Bur– eau" ( 222 West Fourth Street, Cincitlnati, Ohio) is an incor– corporated movement, organ-

ized over three years ago, to help evan– gelize the unovangelized m!llions or America, by placing before them through newspaper medium a helpful Bible message each day. Already over 2,000 papers (of the more than 20,000 In America), with a combined circula– tion of over 14,000,000, are carrying the Bureau's daily messages from God's Word-most of them at tbe head of their editorial columns. Thus (count– ing only one reader to a paper) OVER TWELVE PER CENT OF AMERICA'S 110,000,000 PEOPLE ARE HAVING A SMALL PORTION OF THE WORD OF GOD PLACED B E F 0 R E THEM DAILY. Neither the "Back to the Bible Bur– eau" nor the press makes any charge against the other for the service ren– dered. The former furnishes the Bible selections with headings, etc., while the latter furnishes the space for publica– tion. There is mutual, hearty co-opera– tion, without a trace of either commer– cialism or sectarianism.


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