King's Business - 1923-08



ty years, do you wonder that a Bible Union for the meeting of this d~adly epidemic in China mission work bas been organized? And I am sorry to say that tbe Baptist missions and m;ssion– aries are not altogether free from this evil. Botb in Japan and China I have been told that the Northern Baotist missionaries are sorely affected, and the Baptist College in Shanghai, I have good reason to believe, is not innocent. Now, as to the root of all this un– belief, it is not far to seek. I venture to say that 90 to 100 per cent of it is the product of our American and Euro– pean Chrlstian (?) schools and semina– ries. It is the legitimate child rf tbe widely taught theories of evolution in these schools. One can but ask upon wbat ground these schools and colleges are permitted to go on with this ruin– ous teaching. Is it that the professed superror knowledge of these professors and college presidents is of more value than the Word of God itself? Or is it that Christian ministers, Christian churches and denominations fear to of– fend college dignitaries more than they fear God and His word? Is it that these great heads are so ensconced in their positions by endowments and a board of self-appointed trustees that the denom– inations as such can not get at them? In any case, to keep silent is to be– come a party to their crimes against missions, against the Bible, against the you th of this and corning ages, against our civilization, and against God Him- send you information and material to begin the work. That is all I can read and address. It is very surprised to me but very hard to get six cents. My parents was deceased on Oct., 1918, so I live with slaves in my parent house. Tf I want to eat I go market to carry loads before I earn penny. When I saw the sheet I wonder because I not know what you will send. So I work at market 2 'h days before I get 4 'h d to buy stamp. So therefore soon as you get this letter kindly let me see it in timely. K. J. BINEY, Wesleyan Methodist School boy, Stud. III 3. P. S. I beg you pray for me. The bit of paper sent by the boy self. I, for one. feel like the time for proved to be a portion of a page from HOW A SHEEP ATE THE K. B. From 'way down on the coast of Af– rica came the following letter from a native boy in a Wesleyan school. It fur– nishes a remarkable illustration of how the Lord opens doors and uses some very strange materials for effecting an entrance to many hearts: Coomassie, Gold Coast, South Africa. Dear Sir: I am very astonishment to inclose you this fine morning, to say that on 23d March, 1923, about half past one I walk to school. I saw sheep· on the wayside that eat grass and one eat a sheet of paper. I am immediately go to him and get the sheet to put in my pocket. I sat down to read and I found if I send six cents in stamps, we will

an open declaration of war has <'Orne! That there is no time to lose; already we have lost ground that can never be recovered. The enemy is now stcong1y fortified, and that in our o·;;n castles, "ithin our own defence. Our only hope is to drive him into the open. This is one thing the Bible Union of China is doing, and we trust will more and more do. But more anon, as to their plan of campaign.

The King's Business, on which was an advertisement concerning the new edi– tion of the Gospel of .Tonn published by Biola Book Room. The magazine had evidently been thrown away in the field by some missionary. Of course, we sent the lad ms Gospel of John, to– ~ether with a Bible and some helps. \Viii our readers pray that God will greatly bless this boy and make him a mighty preacher among his people?

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