King's Business - 1923-08




Gospel preacher! A glorious transfor– mation wrought by the power of the 'Vord of God! Ever truly yours In His blessed service, FRANK A. KELLER. ALL IMPORTS-NO EXPORTS At a certain church meeting which attended several years ago, someone sug– gested sending the Gospel to foreign lands through a missionary. To this proposal a man strangely answered, "\Ve have no religion to export!" The first speaker replied, "If we act on that prmclple, we shall soon be without re.. liglon ourselves." Perhaps the objector had degenerated to the low position of having no genuine religion WmseH, and therefore had none to Impart to others, either at home or abroad. Unfortu– nately there are such persons In some churches. A. W . OR.WIG. MUD FORT CHURCHES When Napoleon I Invaded Egypt, he encountered a force ensconced ln a mud-fort that effectually defied all his efforts to reduce lt. I! It had been built of rock, he could have blown It up with powder, or shivered It with artil– lery; lf It had been wood, he could haTe fired It with rockets: but It was a huge mass of mud, In which his Iron mis– siles stuck fast, and rather Increased than diminished Its powers of reslat– ance. He therefore left the place In despair, and turned his attention to more practical operations. Now, what this mud-fort was to the Egyptian sol– diery, a cold, dead Church Is to the world of ungodly men. They are ef– fectually protected behind this mass of carnality, and utterly defy all the moral artillery of the gospel. The heavenly missiles stick fast in this intervening obstacle, and never reach their mark.

men from their sins. Something In this moved our hearts. It seemed true, but we wanted to know more. The book– let referred us to another book called the Bible aud we got a copy. Day by day we gathered to find out what It told us about Jesus and the cross, but as there was much that we could not understand fully we sent a man to YI– yang (the nearest city) to make en– quiries. He called at the Wesleyan Mis– sion and a teacher was sent, and after a while ~everal of us were baptized and received into the church. Last year we built the chapel.' "The booklet that built the chapel was a collection of Scripture portions prepared in Los Angeles, and distri– buted by the Hunan Bible Institute." The name of the booklet referred to is "SELECTED PORTIONS OF HOLY SCRIPTURE." A short time ago we received a let– ter from the Wesleyan Missionary in charge of the work at Ylyang and at Mayuanao earnestly recommending to us one of the members of this little church. The young man wanted to en– ter one of our Blola Evangelistic Bands for training In Bible study and methods of Christian work. He Is a fine bright fellow named Gao aud Is now at work as student evangelist In Blola Evangel– istic Band No. 4. Just think of It, dear friends! Let us make a brief summary of Mr. Gibson's letter:-A pilgrim goes from Mayuanao to worship at the hea– then shrine at Nanyoh; a Biola worker meets him and gives him a copy of SELECTED PORTIONS OF HOLY SCRIPTURE; he takes the book home and studies it together with other mem– bers of bis village; they are gripped by the simple story of the Cross! They search for more light; a teacher Is sent to them; numbers are led to faith In Christ; a church building Is erected without any outside help; one of their own number is sent forth as a preacher of the Word! From heathen pilgrim to

MIGHT. WHAT? (See Page 886)

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