King's Business - 1923-08



terested, Paul could see he had faith. Then Paul spoke to him and told him to stand up on his feet. Now what do you think this man did, for he had never walked a step In his lite? Did he say he could not walk? No, he leaped up and walked. When the peo– ple saw this wonderful miracle, they said the gods had come down to them, for they were heathen people and had many gods. They named Barnabas and Paul after the names of their gods. The people brought flowers and oxen, and were going to offer sacrifices to Paul and Barnabas and worship them. Would Paul and Barnabas let the peo– ple worship them? No, Indeed, they told them they were just men like themselves, only they believed In the true God, the Lord J esus, and It was the Lord that had healed the lame man. They had only come to bring them good tidings (news), which was that Jesus was the only one who could save them from their sins If they would believe In Him and worship Him. In many of the places where Paul and Barnabas went, the people treated them very cruelly, and Paul was stoned and left tor dead, but God saved Paul's life. These two men loved Jesus so much, they travelled over the rough, hot and sandy roads, and faced dangers and hardships, that !.hey might tell the good news of Jesus. They helped many to get to heaven. Do you know Jesus? Do you tell others about Him? Closing Prayer.

hearts to Jesus; so because this girl let Jesus have her life, and told others of His love, the whole family now be– long to Jesus. What a happy home, with every one loving and serving Jesus. Prayer. Lesson Story.-Do you know, boys and girls, If we really Jove J esus In our hearts we just can not help telllng others about Him. Clara, you tell us how Stephen showed his love for Jesus. Now after they had killed Stephen, these wicked men did not stop, but whenever they found any one who loved Jesus and told others about him, they persecuted him and shut him up in prison; they would not let the peo– ple come together to worship. This caused many of the people of the church to go away to other towns and cities. These bad men thought they could kill and hurt the Christian peo– ple and destroy the church, but they were really helping, for these Christians told about Jesus everywhere they went, so that many more people believed on Jesus, than If the people had not gone away from their homes to other places. Among these Christian people who went to other places, were two men named Barnabas and Paul, who loved Jesus and told others about Him where– ever they went. They were real mis– sionaries going from one city to an– other. In one city a lame man, who had never walked In his life, heard Paul ten of Jesus, and he was so In-

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