

Hawkesbury slips to 153

Hawkesbury’s high concentration of

seniors living on modest pensions. Salaries


aren’t keeping residents from treating


The town of Hawkesbury dropped

50 in the new car category,” says the

several notches in the annual “Best Places


to Live In Canada” evaluation conducted

In 2010, Hawkesbury was also described

by MoneySense magazine.

as the “worst” place in Canada based on

Placing 72 nd

out of 180 towns last year,

household incomes. The town retained that

Hawkesbury has slipped to 153 out of 190

dubious distinction in 2011, placing 180

in the most recent rankings.

out of 180 when it comes to income.

Meanwhile, Lachute moved from 154 to

The rankings put Ottawa-Gatineau on


top; Montréal is 149th. Cornwall is ranked


167; the lowest overall score was given to

household income among the communities

New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, for the second


consecutive year.

“Household incomes in this town are

The assessment is based on several

the lowest in the country averaging just


$50,783. That’s less than a third of what

Here are the numbers for Hawkesbury:

residents inWood Buffalo, Alta. (the richest

Affordable housing 108; household income

Photo Richard Mahoney

Canadians) are averaging at $186,979. But

190; new cars on the road 48; jobless rate


according to the town’s Chief

102; population growth 164; low crime,

Administrative Officer Normand Beaulieu,

147; doctors per 100,000, 30; culture 176;

Working on an encore

the numbers are skewed lower by

walk or bike to work 23; weather, 55.


Garbage taxes up

Over 600 job seekers, 23 local businesses, over 125 jobs.

The numbers add up to a “phenomenal success” for the job fair in Prescott County.


Organizers are so pleased they will likely do it again next year.

The first major job fair organized by the Employment Services Centre surpassed

After being frozen in 2011, fees for garbage collection and recycling services in

expectations – the number of job hunters doubled the 300 officials had expected would

Hawkesbury will rise by 3.3 per cent this year.

attend. The participating businesses each received between 30 and 200 resumes. Cindy

Under rates approved by town council, the residential levies for garbage collection

Fish, Human Resources Manager at Tulmar Safety Systems, was very pleased to have

and recycling will increase from $169 to $172 per household while the non-residential

had the chance to meet “a good pool of potential candidates for positions ranging from

rate will go from $130 to $133 per unit.

production to top management.” Nathalie Vink, from Herb’s Travel Plaza, even filled

The garbage surplus of $28,137 from 2011 is expected to be absorbed as a result

her cashier position on-site and identified good candidates for her other openings,

of $943,473 in expenditures and $915,336 in revenues. In 2010, expenses totalled

including cook positions. Similarly, Richard Allard, from Golden Anchor Marina, was

$874,044 while revenues were $887,745.

able to find promising candidates for his maritime mechanic and customer service

The cost of the garbage collection service is to rise from $675,148 to $694,823 while

positions. Meanwhile, job seekers and employers are invited to contact the Employment

recycling costs are expected to drop from $176,204 to $174,450. Special collections are

Services Centre office at 134 Main St.East, Suite 201, telephone 613-632-0179.

to cost $50,000, compared to $42,121 in 2011.

Water rate protests

to $252.

Council had earlier voted 6-1 in favour of


the new rates after a long debate over how

the total $3,663,130 bill for 2012 would be

The average Hawkesbury household

shared among residential and commercial

will pay $36 more for water and sewage

users. The sole dissenter was Councillor

services after town council approved a

Michel Thibodeau, who had supported a

new fee schedule Monday night.

scenario that would have increased


everyone’s bills by 5.5 per cent.

an average of 15 cubic metres monthly will

“For years, residents have been



rise from $506.28 to $542.28, according to

subsidizing commercial consumers,” he

estimates presented to town council during

argued. While his colleagues contended

a budget debate last week.

that businesses deserved a break, business

The minimum cost increases from $216

community representatives said the town

did nothing to relieve their burden.

Some businesses have seen their water

$20,000 for

and sewage bills shoot up by 3,000 per cent

since new bills based on meter readings

went into effect in 2011.


“This is a question of survival,” Johanne

Séguin cautioned recently. “If there is no



change, people do not know how they are


going to survive,” said Séguin, owner of

Buanderie Cayen Laundry. TheMain Street

The Prescott-Russell emergency

operation is among the about 20 businesses

services department has received $20,000

that have been equipped with water meters

from the Joint Emergency Preparedness

for the past 25 years. Séguin saw her water

Program to purchase and install two

and sewage bills shoot up by 65 per cent last

generators at Hawkesbury and


Plantagenet emergency operations

A member of the Hawkesbury Chamber





The generators will allow the centers to

presented a new rate proposal that would

be fully functional during a major

have increased residential and industrial


bills and decreased commercial levies.

“It is because of program like JEPP that we

“For the sake of a fewmore dollars on the

can improve our infrastructure and

residential bill, the town could have helped

guarantee our ability to respond to an

businesses, but the council decided not to

emergency and ensure the safety of our

do so,” Séguin said last week.

community,” said department director

Some businesses can apply for a break if

Michel Chrétien.

they had a 100 per cent increase in 2011.

JEPP is administered by Public Safety

Successful applicants can have three years

Canada in consultation and co-operation


with provincial and territorial

they have implementedwater conservation



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