this is the chief thrust. The love of which the Bible speaks is that which provides function to the body of be lievers. As the muscles, ligaments, and tendons of our physical body give support and function to the re mainder of the body, so love does this in the Christian Community. This Christian Community is more than Baptist, Methodist, Presbyteri an, Brethren, or any other group. It is accepting all born-again believers as part of that Community. Church relationship is not to be denied, but the personal feeling of corporateness with other believers is to be encour aged as our “belonging to one anoth er” (Romans 14:7).
acceptance of individuals, an appre ciation of their individuality, and a suppression of the concept of abso lute conformity to a group. In a gen uine Christian Community, there is no “generation gap.” Mutual respect of persons toward others is very im portant! Polarization or fragmenta tion is foreign to such a concept—the Community must be a cohesive unit. Secondly, it is diversified. Too of ten, this is the place where the Scrip tural form of church life suffers. To read First Corinthians, one has the feeling that with all its failure, there was an exciting work going on there. The Corinthians are commanded that they “come behind in no gift.” (1 :7 ) In 12:28 of the Epistle, the various gifts of the members are recognized. Just as there is diversity in the hu man body, so there is diversity in the local body, and in the larger body of believers. Diversity, however, should never lead to division. There is a bond which should give a spirit of cohesiveness to the Christian Com munity. Then, the Christian Community is supportive. In the Biblical exhorta tions for saints to ‘love one another,”
Lawrence Richards in his book, A N ew ‘F ace for the Church, notes that as a Christian Community, it does not mean that which we speak of as a “church,” or a religious organization. It does mean, “an association of be lievers gathered together, and in volved in the lives of one another to encourage, to love, to discipline, to strengthen, and to sustain the bud ding life and character of God with in each Christian.” Dr. McNeely is Chairman o f the Biblical Studies Division at Biola College, and a popular speaker in the Southern California area.
Adrian House (right), Director of Alumni, always enjoys the opportunity to talk with Biola students.
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