BIOLA STANDS FIRM for Christ and His Word Since the founding of the Bible Insti tute in 1908, Biola has stood firm for the spiritual and moral principles which we believe the Word of God reveals to us. We are determined to remain faithful to Jesus Christ, and to the Word of God, in doctrine and in practice until that day when ourLord will call His Church from the earth to be with Him forever. We invite YOU, as a friend of Biola College and its Graduate School Talbot Theological Seminary, to stand firm with us for the Lord in the preparation of dedicated young people who want to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in whatever field of service He might lead them. YOU can have a regular part with us through the Biola Fellowship (see the re verse side of this page). You can also share with us through a deferred gift in your Will and/or through Biota's Agreement Program. Please send coupon below for further information.
A. We all know that God has given us a capacity for emotions. In this area we partake of the image and likeness of our Lord. We can love and we can hate. Psychology tells us that the emotion of fear is embedded in us very early. It is not easy to fall in love with someone whom we do not know. Love comes through shar ing fellowship and common inter ests. Begin reading the Bible. Start with the Gospels with an open heart. The love will come! Here is the One who came here not for His own ob jectives and goals, but to do the will of God. The more you get to know Him, the more you will love Him. As you study and commune with Christ, ask the Holy Spirit to give you more love for Him. You do not have to push a button to make love work; it is a natural result of our knowledge of the Lord. As to ex plaining certain verses to the un saved, one of the most important rules of Bible interpretation is that one must never take a verse, or a portion of a verse, out of its proper context. This one principle alone will answer most of the problems people try to find with Scripture. Q. Chula Vista, Calif. — “Please tell m e where I can find in the Bible that vinegar is called soldiers’ wine.” A. While there are a number of men tions of this substance in the Bible, none of them carries the description you have given. When they crucified our Lord the soldiers gave Him vin egar to drink which was mingled with gall. The purpose was to dead en the pain. When Christ tasted it, He would not drink it. He wanted to be in full possession of His pow ers so that He might taste death for every man. Q. San Francisco, Calif.—“If seem ed very heartless when I heard one o f you say that there would b e no ani mals in heaven. Does not Isaiah state that the lamb will lie down with the lion; and that animals would not
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In Canada: Biola Association of Canada P. 0. Box 3013, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
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