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prey upon each other in all God’s holy mountain?” A. When such a declaration was made, it certainly was not to break anyone’s heart. Yes, in Isa. 11:6-9 we do have the words you have sug gested. However, we must see the context to find the chronology of the event. This passage has to do with the thousand year reign of Christ on the earth, known as the Millennium. It does not have reference to heaven at all. Animals do not have spirits such as man’s. Nowhere in the Bible does it state that anyone but re deemed sinners can inherit the eter nal glories of heaven. Keep in mind this fact, however, that no one, is going to be disappointed in heaven. The Lord Jesus Christ is going to show us the exceeding riches of His grace throughout the ages. We will be so thrilled with what He has pro vided for us that we will forget about those things we may have loved so much here on the earth. Q. Salem, Ore. — “Can you explain verses 14 to 16 o f Genesis 30P Also, I looked up the word mandrake in my dictionary, and it is described as a narcotic plant. Is this the same meaning as is used in these verses?” A. Mandrake is an old word which does not mean a narcotic plant. In Hebrew we would call these “love apples.” It is suggested that there are certain growths in nature that arouse romantic emotions. These are sometimes called “aphrodisiacs,” a term derived from the name of the goddess of love, Aphrodite. 0. Whittier, Calif. —“What was the holy family’s position in glory? Do each o f them have a specific divine function? Also, what was the faith first delivered to the saints? Did this em brace the holy family as a divine entity P” A. The fact is the holy family, by which we take it you mean Joseph and Mary, is exactly the same as any other bom again individuals. Joseph
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