PFC's 7-Year Strategic Plan 2023-2030

Prisoners For Christ Strategic Plan 2024-2030

PFC’s Core Values PFC embraces, subscribes, and actively encourages its staff, Board members, international associates, and volunteers to adhere to the following Twelve Core Values in their ministerial life as well as their personal life. 1. Biblical Authority: We believe the Bible to be God’s inerrant written Word and is the standard for our faith in all decisions we make, our actions, values, and ministerial activities. 2. Christ’s Headship : As a Christ-centered ministry we acknowledge Christ’s headship and Lordship as head of Prisoners for Christ. We, therefore, will be obedient and submit ourselves to His leading and will. 3. Biblical Focus : We will train our volunteers to teach Biblical principles with integrity, while we minister to inmates and the global prison community. 4. Prayer : As a ministry, we believe in the power of prayer; that private and corporate prayer will undergird this ministry in all activities and all decisions. We will endeavor to saturate our lives with the power of prayer so that God’s power will mark this ministry. 5. Dependence of God : As a ministry, we desire to be a part of something much bigger than ourselves truly having the thumb print of God. We will be totally dependant on God for all our needs. We will plan and dream, be creative and innovative and live with an end times urgency as we totally depend and trust in God. 6. Ministry to the Lost in Prisons : As an organization we will always look for opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel to inmates and their families in everything we do. 7. Global Perspective : It is a calling of PFC as an organization to reach out to inmates worldwide. We are committed to prayerful expansion of the ministry to inmates globally according to the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit. 8. Equipping and Mobilization : We will strive to equip and mobilize Christians to serve the Kingdom by witnessing in the prisons. We will always seek to mentor, equip and deploy those He calls to serve to effectively


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