PFC's 7-Year Strategic Plan 2023-2030

Prisoners For Christ Strategic Plan 2024-2030 Increase the number of foreign paid personnel. Goal #6.1:Establish seventy foreign paid personnel worldwide by 2030. (Currently at 29- 2023) Task 1: Continue to use the International Partnership Developer to find additional candidates. Staff Responsibility: GP/NH Percentage Complete: Complete- Ongoing Task 2: Network mission pastors for leads of individuals whom they might know in other countries. Staff Responsibility: DS/GP/GVT Percentage Complete: Task 3: Attend one to two missions conferences per year to find leads of individuals in other countries. Staff Responsibility: PFC Staff Percentage Complete:

Strategic Priority #6:

Task 4: Raise support for the second International Partnership Developer. Staff Responsibility: GVT Percentage Complete:

Task 5: Hire and train the second International Partnership Developer. Staff Responsibility: JPH/DS/GP Percentage Complete:

Task 6: Evaluate ongoing the progress of the International Partnership Developers. Staff Responsibility: DS/GVT Percentage Complete:

Task 7: Develop revenue streams to meet the demand for monthly support of new nationals. Staff Responsibility: GVT/DD Percentage Complete


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