Prisoners For Christ Strategic Plan 2024-2030
IT infrastructure in place and efficient.
No written comprehensive Disaster Recovery Plan or Business Continuity Plan in place. No redundancy in IT technology staff.
It is possible to leverage external MS connections to
Technology is expensive and becomes obsolete quickly.
purchase MS software at a discount.
PFC has minimized the attack surface for internet-based threats, and keeps its systems closed by default
The quick adoption of new technologies like Zoom, and Teams by staff.
Virus threats continue to grow.
PFC is utilizing current software technology.
Staff always looking to increase our reach in the technology field to improve efficiencies.
Death or disability to the IT or database managers.
Good positive web presence which is seeing more hits than
ever before. IT manager experienced. PFC has a very
robust database for tracking volunteers, ministry contacts, donations, and inmate activities. In-house color printing. PFC has dedicated database manager that has streamlined the efficiencies of the office.
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