Exhibit G Speakers Bureau
After being in ministry for almost 35 years, PFC has a whole host of quality volunteers that can speak on the merits of prison ministry. If you are ever in need of having a special speaker for your men’s or women's’ group, small Bible study group, or church services, please contact us. Our speakers speak from their hearts, sharing their experiences of God’s s love with the inmate population. In addition, PFC has a host of multi-media presentations that take your people into the life of an inmate.
If you are interested in having one of our members come to speak to your group, go to our web page at www.prisonersforchrist.org or use this QR code.
Mission Board PFC and its speakers delight in sharing our stories with local mission boards about all that God is doing in the jails and prison of the world. Many local mission boards are not aware of PFC and its work around the world. Help us in getting the word out. We would love to make a presentation to your mission board or committee.
If you are interested in introducing us to your mission committee go to our web page at www.prisonersforchrist.org or use this QR code .
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