The Antonian





category and word order is considered one of the key features of the Chinese language. This book is an adaptation into English of Claves de la gramática China , published by Taciana Fisac in Spanish by Bellaterra in 2023. Professor Sam Halabi (MPhil International Relations, 1999) Pandemics, Public Health, and the Regulation of Borders (Routledge, 2024) Sir Simon Mayall (Senior Associate Member, 1995-1996) The House of War Osprey Publishing, 2024 The story of the 1,300-year confrontation between Christendom the the Caliphate, which ended with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War One, and the abolition of the institution of the caliphate, told through the prism of ten great battles and sieges. Jacob (Kobi) Metzer (Visiting Fellow, 1992- 1993) Economics, Land and Nationalism: Issues in Economic History and Political Economy in the Mandate Era and the State of Israel The Hebrew University Magnes Press Jerusalem, 2023 The articles compiled in this volume are studies by Jacob (Kobi) Metzer, which examine economic and political-economy issues in the Mandate era and the State of Israel. Most of the studies were originally published in scholarly journals and collected volumes in English. Their publication in Hebrew in one volume is aimed at making them more accessible to the Israeli readership. Professor Stephanie Mitchell (DPhil History, 1997) Women’s Suffrage in the Americas University of New Mexico Press, 2025

Professor Wim Naudé (Senior Associate Member, 1995) Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Conflict Edward Elgar Publishers, 2024 This Handbook focuses on the complex relationship between entrepreneurship and conflict. It constructs a broad overview of central research themes in the field, covering states being captured by entrepreneurs, states capturing businesses, entrepreneurship in post- conflict reconstruction, and entrepreneurs in conflict against other entrepreneurs. The Economic Decline of the West: Guns, Oil and Oligarchs Palgrave Macmillan, 2025 This book describes how the West is in economic decline due to three interrelated factors, described as the Guns-Oil-Oligarchy nexus. Professor Jochen Prantl (DPhil International Relations, 1999) Building Capabilities for Earth System Governance Cambridge University Press, 2024 This team-authored book develops a new Strategic Capabilities Framework for studying and steering complex socio-ecological systems. It offers transformative ideas toward better climate and ocean governance. Rather than investigating the design and effectiveness of institutions in governing the climate and the oceans, the authors offer an alternative approach starting from the assumption that global governance arrangements must be informed by the capabilities of the communities affected, both indigenous and local. The book is available as Open Access on Cambridge Core. Dr Yoav Tenembaum (DPhil Modern History, 1991) Why Does Grandpa Walk So Slowly? Troubador Publishing, 2024

Professor Arzu Öztürkmen (Academic Visitor, 2005) The Delight of Turkish Dizi: Memory, Genre and Politics of Television in Turkey Seagull Books/University of Chicago Press, 2022 This book explores the rise of the dizi genre in Turkey since the 1970s, when national television broadcasting began in the country. It consists of oral history with key figures in dizi production and ethnographic surveys of film sets, international content markets, and award ceremonies. With the collective creative input of writers, producers, directors, actors, editors, musicians, and lately, international distributors, dizi production and broadcasting processes are tightly interwoven, offering a model that is distinct to the Turkish television industry. Associate Professor Frank Cibulka (Academic Visitor, 2002-2004) Liberals, Conservatives and Mavericks in the Christian Churches of Eastern Europe and Russia since 1980: A Festschrift for Sabrina P. Ramet [edited with Zachary Irwin] Central European University Press, 2024 The volume was published in November 2024 after half a decade in preparation. Professor Polly Jones (DPhil Russian, 2000) Gulag Fiction: Labour Camp Literature from Stalin to Putin Bloomsbury, 2024 This unique exploration of Russian prose fiction about the Soviet labour camp system since the Stalin era compares representations of identity, ethics and memory across the corpus. Polly Jones analyses prose texts from across the 20th and 21st centuries through the prism of key themes in contemporary Soviet historiography and Holocaust literature scholarship: selfhood and survival; perpetration and responsibility;

Dr Michael Beeman (DPhil Politics, 1993) Walking Out: America’s New Trade Policy in the Asia-Pacific and Beyond Stanford University Press, 2024 From tariff wars to torn-up trade agreements, Walking Out explores America’s turn away from support for freer, rules-based trade. These decisions are undermining the trading system and triggering new tensions with trading partners. It argues that America’s deep political divisions are driving policy reversals, giving rise to a new trade policy characterised by zero-sum beliefs about the trade America wants with the world and the rules for trade it wants for itself, with seismic implications for the rules-based order and America’s role in it. Professor Paulo Drinot (MPhil Latin American Studies, 1994; DPhil Modern History, 1996) Los años de Leguía (1919-1930) Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2024 A broad study of Peru in the 1920s during the dictatorship of Augusto B. Leguía, aimed at the general reader. Professor Dr Taciana Fisac (Senior Associate Member, 1991-1992) Fundamental Structures of the Chinese Language: Topic-Comment and Other Key Structures This book departs from the conventional approach of superimposing grammatical constructs from English onto Chinese and focuses on the topic-comment structure inherent in the natural discourse of Chinese language. Verbal structures are discussed in depth with the incorporation of the aspect [with Riccardo Moratto] Routledge, March 2024



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