with students and, if time allows, to join an alumni event in London.
I am delighted to announce that Dr Richard Haass (DPhil Politics, 1973) will be the inaugural Visiting Distinguished Lecturer. As the President Emeritus of the Council of Foreign Relations, there cannot be a better person to give a lecture on the impact of the American elections. He will do so at the College on 13 May and at an alumni event in London on 14 May. High Table As ever, do join us for High Table, for example after a seminar by the Visiting Parliamentary Fellowship or the lecture by Richard Haass. All Antonians have an allowance of one of these dinners a year for life. For all the details and if you would like to join us at High Table, please follow this link . As always, I end by saying that I hope we will see as many of you as possible in the coming months.
Dear Antonians Happy New Year of the Snake!
the UK & Ireland) and Peter Kellner CBE (Former President of YouGov). For all the details, please follow this link. Other seminars in Hilary Term will be on The US election: what happened there and what happens now? (10 Feb); Security in the age of populism. The SDR, and the perils of nuclear proliferation (24 Feb); Multilateralism in the Age of Populism; What future for the Bretton Woods Institutions (3 March); and Communication in the age of populism (10 March). Antonian events in the USA I am very much looking forward to the Antonian events taking place in Boston (26 March), New York (28 March) and Miami (29 March). Once all the details are confirmed, invitations will be sent. In the meanwhile, if you think you will be in any of those areas on those dates, please save the date in your calendar. Margaret MacMillan North American Distinguished Visiting Lectureship I am also happy to be able to announce the first Margaret MacMillan North American Distinguished Visiting Lectureship. It has been established on a permanent basis to honour my predecessor for all that she did for the College around a subject that she is passionate about. The Visiting Lectureship allows us to invite each year a distinguished academic, historian, or author to spend a few days at St Antony’s in Trinity Term to deliver a public lecture, attend a workshop
In this first month of 2025, I want to write to you about this year’s Visiting Parliamentary Fellowship, Antonian events we are organizing in the US, and the inaugural Margaret MacMillan North American Distinguished Visiting Lectureship. Also to point you towards a fascinating piece by Emeritus Fellow Dr Carol S. Leonard on The Russian Revolution of 1917 - Memory and Legacy in this edition of The Antonian and, as always, College news and updates from alumni from around the world and across the generations. Visiting Parliamentary Fellowship: Good policy in the age of populism As many of you will know, the St Antony’s Visiting Parliamentary Fellowship was launched in 1993 with the idea that two Members of Parliament – one from the governing party and the other from one of the main opposition parties – would be elected to the Fellowship each year. We are delighted that this year The Rt Hon John Glen MP and The Right Hon Liam Byrne MP will be our Visiting Parliamentary Fellows. John and Liam are organising a series of seminars on the topic of ‘Good policy in the age of populism’. The first seminar will take place on 3 February and address The world’s 2024 elections: what just happened? The rise of populism and its causes . Confirmed speakers are Kelly Beaver MBE (Chief Executive of Ipsos in
Professor Roger Goodman Warden
Click here to view the latest College news, including an article about the inspiring new artwork by our inaugural Artist-In-Residence
Photo: Nanna Wessel Sundt
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