The Antonian




Isaac Kardon (MPhil Modern Chinese Studies, 2007) China’s Law of the Sea: The New Rules of Maritime Order Yale University Press, 2023 Professor John Maher (Academic Visitor, 2008-2009; 2013-2014) The World of Coronaspeak: Mockdown, PCR and Surgeon’s Finger Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2024) Gianfranco Pasquino (Visiting Fellow, 2007) Maestri of Political Science. III [co-editor and author with Martin Bull] ECPR Press, 2024 In nome del popolo sovrano Bocconi University Press, 2025 Professor Indrajit Roy (DPhil International Development, 2008) Audacious Hope: A chronicle of how democracy is being defended in India Westland Publishers, 2024 Dr Tom Scott-Smith (MPhil Development Studies, 2009) Fragments of Home: Refugee Housing and the Politics of Shelter Stanford University Press, 2024 This book focuses on seven examples of emergency shelter, from Germany to Jordan, which emerged after the great ‘summer of migration’ in 2015. Drawing on detailed ethnographic research into these shelters, the book reflects on their political implications and opens up much bigger questions about humanitarian action. It argues that current approaches to emergency shelter have led to destructive forms of paternalism and concludes that the principle of autonomy can offer a more fruitful approach to sensitive and inclusive housing.

Dr Sau Wai Law (MSc in Economics for Development, 2005) Financial Inclusion, Technology and Virtual Banking: A Theoretical Perspective Springer, 2024 This book a) Challenges existing views on technology’s role in financial inclusion; b) Proposes a customer-centric model for digital financial inclusiveness; c) Provides guidance for regulators and banks in navigating the complex relationship between technology and financial inclusion.

Dr Ezgi Basaran (MPhil; DPhil Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, 2017) The New Spirit Of Islamism: Interactions between the AKP, Ennahda and the Muslim Brotherhood. Bloomsbury, 2024 This book explains the aspirations and concerns of Islamist actors in the aftermath of the Arab Uprisings by looking at two sets of relationships between Turkey’s ruling AKP and the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, and the AKP and Tunisia’s Ennahda. It presents a unique analysis of the interplay between the AKP, Ennahda and the Muslim Brotherhood, characterizing the actors, the structure and the main features of the relationship and thereby illuminating a political confluence among these three critical Islamist entities in the aftermath of the Arab Uprisings. Elham Fakhro (DPhil Socio-Legal Studies, 2014) The Abraham Accords: the Gulf States, Israel, This book is a groundbreaking in-depth analysis of the Abraham Accords, shedding new light on their causes and consequences. It demonstrates how shared security concerns, economic interests, and regional political shockwaves led to a surprising strategic convergence between the Gulf states and Israel, setting the stage for covert relations to come out into the open. Fakhro underscores how Washington’s Middle East policy shifted toward expanding the agreements at the expense of attention to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with profound costs. and the Limits of Normalization Columbia University Press, 2024

Matthew Foreman (MSt Global and Imperial History, 2016) Sunset at Lion Rock Proverse Hong Kong, 2024 Nobody in Eric’s family talks about why photos of his Uncle Mikey are on every table, in every room. But when a summer in the mountain temples of Lion Rock Hill results in a crisis of faith, Eric is confused by his feelings of betrayal. His growing understanding of the circumstances surrounding his uncle’s disappearance compels him to question all that he has come to believe is true. And just like his uncle before him, Eric finds himself forced to choose between his family and himself. Dr Cleopas Gabriel Sambo (DPhil Social Policy, 2014) The Politics of Welfare in the Global South Oxford University Press, 2024 It examines the development and implementation of welfare in the Global South, drawing on contributions from scholars worldwide. The book analyses the complex development shaped by colonial legacies and ongoing development programmes. It highlights how welfare policies are often ambiguous and conflicted, with colonial influences continuing to challenge reform efforts. The volume explores the roles of key actors and processes driving policy change and critically engages with core concepts such as development, gender, and citizenship rights. It emphasises how welfare programmes are influenced by the specific institutional and regional contexts in which they are implemented, and addresses broader challenges related to the applicability of Northern welfare models in Southern contexts. This work contributes to ongoing discussions



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