SAM ALFANO Sam is well known for his elegant scrollwork and execution of techniques in a variety of metals and materials, offering a unique study for any student.
TODD DANIELS Todd provides intensive training opportunities on all facets of jewelry design, manufacturing, and production.
STEVE DUNN Steve’s mastery of
RICK EATON Bringing together all the elements of a knife — heat treatments, steel creation, engraving, and the final finish — to make a beautiful, well- crafted piece is what Eaton loves most about his art.
knifemaking, combined with advanced engraving skills, provides a strong foundation for his role as a GRS instructor.
NEVADA MILLER Nevada Miller is leading the way in this next generation of Makers in the western community. She spends her time fabricating, engraving, and creating eclectic silver jewelry.
JAKE NEWELL As a professional engraver, Newell designs and hand engraves a variety of items for larger, well-known companies.
REX PEDERSEN Rex’s experience as a professional gunsmith adds depth to his engraving capabilities since firearms engraving jobs often involve some gunsmithing.
DIANE SCALESE Diane has been building and engraving bits, spurs, trophy belt buckles, saddle silver, and jewelry for over 30 years. Diane is passionate about teaching, which her students notice right away.
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