(a). His love in condescension. (XIII: 1-30). (b). His love in keeping and completing the disciples in the faith. .(XIII: 31; XIV: 33). (c). His love in ' the exaltation of the Son of God. (XVII), 2. Jesus the Lord. The unbelief of Israel, now in its completion; the be- lief in His own. XVIII-XX. (a). His free self-surrender to His enemies, and to the unbelief of Israel. (XVIII: 1; XIX: 16). (b). His self- surrender to death, and divine testi- mony in death. (XIX: 16-42). (c). His manifestation of Himself as passed from death into liberty and life, and the completion of the disciples's faith worked thereby. (XX: 1-29). THE APPENDIX. XXI. The glimpse into the future. (a). The symbolic draught of fishes. (1-8). (b). The symbolic meal. (9-14). (c). The calling and its prospect. (15-23). (d). Conclusion. (24-25). Dean Alford gives Luthardt's division and evidently his own has been largely suggested by it. One of the more re- cent divisions suggested is that to be found in THE CENTURY BIBLE, the volume on St. John, edited by Rev. J. A. McClymont, D. D. I. THE PROLOGUE. I: 1-18. II. THE PUBLIC MINISTRY. 1: 19; X n : 50. I l l JESUS' MINISTRY TO HIS DISCIPLES ON THE EVE OF HIS SUFFERINGS. Xin-XVII. IV. GLORIFICATION OF JESUS IN HIS DEATH AND RESURRECTION. XVIII-XX. V. THE EPILOGUE OR APPENDIX TO THE GOSPEL. XXI. All of these divisions of the Gospel should be carefully studied by the stu- dent and the Gospel itself read through (several times if possible) in the light of them before proceeding to the de- tailed study of the notes on the text itself which will begin in our next num- ber. However, we shall not follow altogether any one of these suggested divisions. The God whom men know outside of Jesus Christ is a poor, nebulous thing; an idea, not a reality; he, or rather it, is a film of cloud shaped into a vague form, through which you can see the stars.—Alexander MacClaren.
2. Final manifestation of Jesus as the Lord, in reference to the now-accom- plished rejection of Him by the unbelief of Israel to the sorely tried but eventual- ly confirmed faith of His own. XVII- XX. VIII. THE APPENDIX. THE GLIMPSE INTO THE FUTURE. XXI: 1-23. IX. IDENTIFICATION OF THE AUTHOR AND CONCLUSION. XXI: 24, 25. . The division of Prof. Luthardt of Leip- sic is: I. JESUS THE SON OF GOD. Chs. I to IV. 1. The Christ. (Ch. I: 1-18). 2. The introduction of Jesus unto the world. (I: 19-11: 11). By the testimony (a) Of the Baptist, I. 19-40. (b). Of Himself. I: 41-2; 11. 3. First revelation of Himself as the Son of God. ' (II. 12; IV: 54). (a). In Jerusalem and Judea II: 1'2; III: 36), (b). In Samaria and Galilee IV: 1-54). II. JESUS AND THE JEWS. Chs. V;; XII. 1. Jesus the life. Opening of the conflict. Chs. V, VI. (a). His divine work as the Son of God 1 —Beginning of opposition (V: 1- 47). (b). Jesus and life in the flesh, progress of belief and unbelief (VI: 1-71). 2. Jesus the light. Height of the conflict. VII- X. (a). He meets the unbelief of the Jews at Jerusalem (VII: 1152). (b). Opposition between Jesus and the Jews at its height. (VIII: 12-59). (c). Jesus the light of the. world for . salva- tion, and for judgment (IX-X). 3. The delivery of Jesus to death is the life and the Judgment of the world. XI, XII. (a). The raising from the dead XI: 1-57);. Prophetic announcement of the future. (XII: 1-36). (c). Final Judg- ment on Israel. (XII. 37-50). HI. JESUS AND HIS OWN. XIII-XX. 1. Jesus' love and the belief of His disciples. The assertion that Christ cannot be very God of very God in a sense infinite- ly beyond what may be truthfully said of !all other human beings, is sheer in- tellectual presumption, is indeed dogma- tism of the worst kind.—Gordon: Christ of Today.
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