The Adamic
By J . H.
NE of our correspondents in the f l r j Bible Course, teaching in a State stepped into my. office on his way from his class in sociology, and the following conver- sation occurred: Pres.—I have a hard question to answer: Where did man get his intel- ligence? Miss—Why, from God—from his Cre- ator. Pres.i—Do you believe that? Miss—I certainly do. . , Pres.-—Why do you believe it? Miss—Because the Bible teaches it. Pres.—Then you believe that Adam and Eve story? Miss—I believe the Bible as it is written. Pres.—You believe that Adam was the first man and that God gave him intelligence? Miss—Yes. Mr. commands the respect of the students, and it is appalling to think of the teachers who are being sent out with such beliefs as he incul- cates. After Mr. : had' gone, my as- sistant, a sweet Christian girl, said thoughtfully: "I have often wondered—-that is, I don't understand—where Cain got his wife. Papa was saying the other day that he got her from a race of giants. If Adam was the first man, ho\v could that be?" A response to this correspondent will, we think, be welcome to readers of The King's Business. The historicity of the biblical account of Adam, his creation and career, is vital to the whole sacred volume. They who relegate that inspired history to Fairyland should frankly disavow all claim to the name "Christian" in any definite, historic sense. Throughout the Bible the story is assumed to be authen- tic reality. The whole superstructure of its history and doctrine is founded on it. The very suggestion of a plural- ity of primal progenitors is historical, doctrinal, and messianic chaos. That the race proceeded from one man, its condemnation from one spiritual stum- ble of that one federal head, and its re- covery from one covenant pledge to VJ7 school, writes: Yesterday, President
him, is Scripturally as certain as that the government of these United States of America and its constitutional his- tory originated in and is a development of the principles of the Declaration of Independence. And so, too, the destiny of the race is ruled by the same Genesis record; our history issues, as it began, in one final Edenic inclusion or exclu- sion. From Eden to Eden there is in Scripture no break. The at-one-ness. of the race founds the at-one-ment for the race. Because one blood flows ini us, therefore one Blood flows for us. No scientific fact justifies, not to say compels, any president, professor, or preacher to abandon the faith of the fathers and the Word of Inspiration, and substitute for history myth or alle- gory. Absolutely, there is not one fact, nor scintilla of one, to demand such a course. The objections are purely sub- jective, speculative, made in the inter- ests of an already discredited evolution- ary philosophy, a disconnected chain of reasoning, the gaps of which are filled only by as fantastic and unreal links as those of the funny man in his develop- ment cartoons. Prof. Haeckel, an "au- thority" in biological evolution, as great an enemy of Adam as the devil himself, was convicted of, and pleaded guilty to, changing -descriptive cuts (drawings) of organic forms to meet the necessities of his family tree, in which he derived mankind from brute ancestors. What the professor did with his cuts in his book, his fellow philos- ophers do with the facts in their imag- ination to make them fit a theory that nature repudiates. As for facts, they are continually coming to the stand in the interests of Adam's proprietorship in his estate. They certify that all men are physically alike, having the same structure, or- gans, blood, functions, and that they interbreed; that they have the same metaphysical attributes, reason, con- science, moral disposition; and that their racial distinctions, in color, fea- ture, traits, are infinitesimal compared with the differences between, say, the rat terrier and the Saint Bernard, the bulldog and the greyhound, which we know, with all their varied kind', large and small, sturdy, majestic, or gro- tesque, black, white, and yellow, come
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