The fall term of the Institute opened Monday, September 23. Nearly seventy students are enrolled, representing a variety of evangelical denominations i he new location in the Auditorium Building (corner Fifth and Olive streets) is a great improvement over the old quarters on Main street. The offices and bookroom are conveniently located in the basement of the building, and the dining room and kitchen are also located here. The Fishermen's Club and the Lyceum Club are enjoy- ing their new quarters. Choral Hall on the second floor, where the regular classes of the Institute and the Friday evening classes are held, is admirably situated for the purpose. It has a seat- ing capacity of about 400. The Friday evening classes have opened up well and we expect that it will not be very long until the hall is filled. Among the special lecturers we have h f d M r - Charles E. Hurlburt, director of the Africa Inland Mission; Prof H W. Kellogg, of Occidental College; Rev A. B. Prichard, D. D„ pastor of t f e Central Presbyterian Church and Vice- President of the Institute; and the Key E. P. Ryland, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Holly- wood. Their addresses were very much enjoyed by the students and greatly blessed by God, if one can judge by what the students themselves have tes-* tilled to. It affords me considerable pleasure to express to you at this time the apprecia- tion of myself and other police and city j officials for the splendid work that has been done by yourself and your able corp of assistants. This has been observed by many citizens and officials, especially by those who have occasion to be in or • pass the vicinity of Los Angeles street, between First and Second streets, since the period your organization has been conducting street meetings. The influence for good you have placed over that locality has been remarkable in its depth and scope. It operated to the extent that the Police Department has fewer "calls" to that vicinity to make arrests and quell riots than before. THIRTEEN—Kings Business Ml0-18 This has been markedly noticeable since last November. While these are the views and words of a police official I know the sentiment therein has been expressed by other city officials, all of which tends to show that
your work is highly appreciated in all directions. My best wishes be with you always. Yours sincerely, C. E. SEBASTIAN, Chief of Police. OIL FIELDS ^ w J i l . Mr. Sloan's" last letter came from Oil Center where he has been for the o r so - H e s P«nt ten days with the Church at Oil Center and says, Had an average attendance of over 40 I don't say how much good was done." Christian folks were at least helped and so expressed it. A higher critic occu- pies the pulpit; taught yesterday the feeding of the 5000 as an allegory and that people could have been saved by the teachings of Jesus without his death If expression of folks can be counted on he will not remain long as pastor We changed today into the part of the field where last year 23 were saved. Hope more will find Christ this year." f^tAj^h THE .BOOK ROOM The business of the Book Room has shown a vei-y rapid growth during the past few months. This growth in busi- ness is all the more remarkable because the greatest increase has been during the summer vacation months, when the classes at the Institute were not in ses- sion. The reasons for this increased business must be looked for in other di- rections—the most substantial reason as we view it, is,the fact that the Christian people of the Pacific Coast are learning that thé Institute Room is headquar- ters for all that is strictly orthodox and doctrinally sound in the way of liter- ature. There is a constantly growing demand.for Christian literature to meet this demand. We are now in a position to supply any book published by the Gospel Publishing House, C. C. Cook, A. C. Gaebelein, A. Sims, Evangelical Publishing Co., The Christian Alliance Press, Loizèaux Bros., and the Moody Bible Institute, and will soon be in posi- tion to fill orders for all books published by Morgan and Scott, Marshall Brothers and Samuel Roberts, London and Pick- ering and Inglis, Glascow, Scotland as well as the publications of all the vari- ous denominational publishing houses. We will soon have on our shelves a complete line of all the Revell publi- cations that we can only say are safe for general reading. The same might be said of all other publishers if you find a book of theirs listed with us, you may know that this book is worthy of your purchase. We are building our business
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SV- Bible Institute of Los Angeles My Dear Dr. Horton: —
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