John which he took home and threw down on the table. His wife picked it up and put it in her handbag which was lying near by. A few days later on the street car, seeing the forgotten book in her bag, she read it from curiosity. At first she was not interested, but after awhile her attention was caught by this new strange book and she was greatly troubled at some of the sayings in the Gospel. One day she took it to a pastor for explanation and before she left the house she accepted Jesus as her Saviour and went home happy. She only prayed for courage to tell her family. Several weeks after this, the pastor was holding meetings in a nearby town where the oldest daughter of this same Jewess was'visiting. Her friend asked her to go to the meeting. During the meeting the Evangelist told of a Jewess who came to him greatly troubled about some sayings in a Gospel of John and how she had accepted Christ. The daughter thought, "how much that sounds like mother." After the meeting she asked the Evangelist if he would tell her the woman's name. She had been under conviction for some time but fear of her mother kept her from accept- ing Christ. That night she went home and told her mother that she, too, had taken Jesus as her Saviour. So together they went and told the father about it. One day one of the students from the Institute held a meeting near the home of this family and another daughter about 18 years old confessed Christ. Our Jewish Bible Woman made a se- ries of visits to that home that have been very fruitful. The mother being very much interested in the study of the Word, plead for a Bible reading and prayer for the rest of the family. Since ' then, a daughter twenty years old and their son 16 years old have confessed, Christ. YOKEFELLOWS WORK The street work has grown so much in interest and numbers that it was found necessary to secure a hall where the Bible could be taught to those who were hungering for the word of God. A hall has been secured and the Bible is taught every night to an average attendance of 40, the actual teaching time of the les- sons between from an hour to an hour and a half. There is seldom a Bible class held without some professed con- versions. Many come into the hall dur- ing the day, and some to inquire the Way of Life. Since the beginning of January there have been hundreds who
on just such lines. We ask your support on the same lines. What the Bible In- stitute of Los Angeles stands for in its teaching we -want the Book Room to stand for in a similar way in the liter- ature which it catalogues for sales. As the Christmas season draws near and you will be wanting to give good books, Bibles, Scripture, Text Cards, etc., as presents, remember that our stock is complete and very well selected. BIBLE WOMEN'S WORK A girl who had been an active, earnest Christian lost her peace, her joy, her victory over sin. Tracing the matter to its source, the Bible Woman found that she was harboring unforgiveness in her heart. The fact that Christ who is love could not dwell with hate was pointed out. Hebrews 10:2 8-29 was used to show something of the sin of departing from Christ and Phillipians 4:13 re- vealed the fact that forgiveness for the bitter wrong was possible. The struggle lasted for weeks. Three times she defin- itely decided to give up Jesus Christ and each time Jesus Christ was lifted up to that girl and His love, His patience, His forgiveness pointed out, while prayer was made for her without ceasing. You know how it ends when Satan is resisted in the name of Jesus and we plead the Master's promises. The dear girl is now so full of joy in Jesus Christ, her heart is so full of Him that there isn't room for hate and she is able to bear beauti- ful witness for Jesus Christ. One of our workers was in conversa- tion with a business man who remarked, "In our line of work we take it for granted that every man is dishonest, until he proves himself honest." Invol- untarily the worker exclaimed, "How wonderful it will be to get to- a world where we can trust everybody." He replied, "Yes, but it will not be in this world," then added, "I should be per- fectly miserable if I allowed myself to think of those things." She answered, "It makes me happy to think of that world, and I have a guide book which if you followed you would be happy, too. Before she had the Gospel of John really out of her satchel he reached for the book saying, "May I have it?" There in that busy place she pointed him to several passages, making plain the way of life and he promised to read the book. We are made a savor of life unto life or of death unto death to the souls about us. THE STORY OF A GOSPEL OF JOHN A Jewish man was handed a Gospel of
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