have professed to accept Christ as their Saviour and Lord. Work has been provided for every able-bodied man that has asked for it. So that it can truly be said, .that no one on "Mar's Hill" that, can work or will work is without work. The street work has gone on with large crowds Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and two large gatherings on Sunday. The smallest crowd ever numbered was 650. This, of course, was a Sun- day crowd. The Sunday afternoon meetings are held from 2:45 until 4:30 and from 5:45 to 7:30, and the Bible class begins in the hall at 7:30. The interest still goes on in the Bible class and the questions come pouring in, but they are not the same questions. There are no more agnostic preachers on Mar's Hill and no infidel literature for sale. WINE AND WICKEDNESS "World's Temperance Lesson" Lesson VI. Nov. 10. I. POLITICAL AND SOCIAL CONDI- TIONS. 1. God's Ideal Kingdom of Israel was one twelve-tribe kingdom, walking in holiness and fraternal unity before Him. (Ps. 133; Josh. 22:26, 27). 2. Under David and Solomon the united kingdom reached its zenith of temporal glory (1 Kg. 10:1-9). 3. At Solomon's death it was divided (1 Kg. 11:11-13; 12.16); the southern section was called "Judah," the north- ern "Israel." The latter was also called "Samaria," from its capital, and Eph- raim," from its largest tribe. 4. Under Jeroboam II (Kg. 14:23), after a long and fluctuating career under many idolatrous dynasties, it reached its highest point of worldly prosperity (note extent and luxury, II Kg. 14:23, 25; Am. 1:1; 6:3-8), and its lowest of idolatrous immorality. 5. Hosea prophesied over sixty years, (1) the latter of which were contem- poraneous with Jeroboam, and most of which with Isaiah's long period in Judah (see time marks and moral con- ditions, Isa. 1:1; ff., and Hosea 1.1, and throughout). (2) Our prophecy pic- tures the conditions. Hosea says, "There is naught but swearing and breaking faith, and killing and steal-
We are expecting during the winter to make a great effort for the salvation of these men and will have such speak- ers as R. A. Torrey, T. C. Horton, Mr. Sammis and others speak for us. Dr. Torrey will be in Pittsburg, Pa., from November 3rd to 24th. A simul- taneous mission is being held through- out the city at different centers. Dr. Tor- rey will have the meetings in the center of the city, speaking at the noon hour to business men and in the evenings. He will also be present at the gatherings of the Fifth National Convention United Presbyterian Brotherhood which is to be held in the city at that time, speaking four times, twice on Wednesday and twice on Thursday. From Pittsburg he will go to Min- neapolis from November 26 th to Decem- ber 8th, holding a union meeting of the large central churches of the city. ing, and committing adultery, they break out and blood touches blood" (the flowing streams and pools flow into one). The symbol of the inspiration of such a hell on earth in the prophet, in other Scripture, in our own observation is "strong drink." What a devil it is! 6. Edersheim says, of this period in Israel, "A more terrible picture of reli- gious degeneracy and public and private wickedness could scarcely be imagined than that painted by the prophets in the most prosperous period of Israelitish history. Thus the good- ness of God, misunderstood by an apos- tate people which attributed all to its own powers (Am. 6:13), was only abused to further sin (Hos. 13:6). A people which could not be humbled by judgments, and to which every mercy becomes only the occasion of deeper guilt, was ripe for that final doom which the prophets predicted." Apply each of those phrases and see how they fit the soul in the grip of drink. To this add the testimony of Gieke, "The apparent prosperity (like the drunk- ard's 'good time') was only a phosphor- escence on decay. Society had become corrupt, drunkenness and debauchery spread. Even the women were given to their cups (and this is increasingly true in our own land. If you doubt, visit the fashionable society hotels and!
International Sunday School Lessons Brief Thoughts for Busy Teachers By J. H. S.
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