King's Business - 1912-11

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lead one of them astray; rend away your hand rather than put into their's that which will defile body, mind, or spirit. V. THE GUARD OP THE LITTLE ONES. 1. The Lord's lambs, big or little, are ministered to by the angels. "Angel guards from Thee surround" them. This is the repeated teaching of scripture (Hb. 1:14). 2. The guardians of the littles ones have peculiar honor. "They always be- hold" (have access to) the face of the Father; hence, their's is a chiefest busi- ness of the king. among the people of the earth. To all of the manifestations of His affection- ate love they responded by ' rejecting His counsel, refusing to be guided by His admonitions and ended in renoun- cing His claims and killing His prophets. They were like the Pharisees and Scribes who refused the compassionate Christ, spat in His face and gave their allegiance to wicked Caesar. God has recorded the story of Israel's sin and we have it before us. The Bible has been subjected to severe tests but has come through the centuries unscathed to tell us the story of the exceeding sin- fulness of Israel's sin. God keeps books and the story of nations as well as in- dividuals is written in indestructible letters on its pages. In those books will be found the story of your life and mine. Our sins have been blotted out through the pre- cious blood of Jesus Christ but the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts are recorded. What is more solemn than the thought of meet- ing God in the presence of the pages upon which are inscribed' the deeds done in the body. There is development of doctrine throughout the Scripture, there is a con- stant moving forward toward a climax in the revelation of God to men. "First the blade, then the ear, then the full" corn in the ear." John the Baptist had pointed to Christ as the promised one." Nathaniel had proclaimed Him as Son LESSON 7 November 17, 1912 Golden Text—Matt. 16:16

ing car, on the N. Y. C. Rwy. It Is bet- ter to escape the fire minus an arm than to burn the whole body. Thousands of eyes have been rendered up that men might see the Ivory Towers; myriads of feet, rather than miss treading the Golden Streets; countless right arms, that men might embrace the Saviour be- side the Sream of Life. (2) These moral and spiritual mutilations—let us not forget, are in this passage connected with the treatment of the little ones, whom Jesus loves. Pluck out your eye rather than cast an evil eye on the least- of them; cut off your foot, before you

The Heart of the Lesson By T. C. Horton

LESSON 6 Golden Text—Isa. 5:11 November 10, 1912

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The Golden Text for this week is only incidentally related to the lesson. The lesson itself suggests a central thought far more vital. In reading the passage we discover this important fact, God keeps books. "They consider not in their hearts that I remember their wickedness." Verse 2. In Malachi 3:16 we are told "Then they that feared the Lord, spake often one to another, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord and thought upon His name. God records the words and deeds of men and will judge them. In Rev. 20.12 He says, "And the books were opened, and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books." God goes into the minutest details concerning the sins of Israel, but He also reveals at the same time the love of this great heart for them. Hear Him say, "Though I have redeemed them, yet they have spoken lies against me." Verse 13. How could God love this adulterous, idolatrous, blasphemous people. In this lesson we get a true picture of the human heart in its waywardness and wickedness, in its fierce, lustful burning after sin, and at the same time we see the care and patience of the God of all Grace displayed toward the sinner. The Bible alone can enable us to un- derstand God. We must see Him in His relation to sinful men; in His long- suffering tenderness towards a people whom He had chosen as His own and whom He had exalted to the first place

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