King's Business - 1912-11

a sheep before his shearers he opened not His mouth. We cannot think that gentleness will ever make us great. We will be able to learn many lessons at the -feet of the children if we have

a worm and no man"; we do not want to be humble as was the, prodigal when he said, "I have sinned and am no more worthy to be called thy son"; we do not

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want to be gentle as was Christ when as God's word in our hands. Junior Endeavor Topics By S. L. M. TEMPERANCE PROGRESS THE WORM) OVER Nov. 10. Tit. 2:12, 13, 14.

temperance, itiovement is "Catch my pal." Each man goes for his friend. Over 100,000 have, adopted it in a year. It gathers up the-worst cases in every town, and is working wonders, morally and spiritually. II. REAL TEMPERANCE. 1. The only real and saving temper- ance is in following Jesus (Eph. 5:1-5). 2. Men are now everywhere refusing to employ drinkers. JesUs long ago. said, "No drunkard should enter " His. employ (1 Co. 6:10). But keeping sober is not enough. We can enter the kingdom of heaven only by being born again (Jn. 3:3, 5), and forsaking all kinds of sin. MISSIONS AND THE ALEUTIAN ISLANDS Nov. 17. Isa. 42:4. Note: Use a map. Since Jesus said "Go into all the world and preach to every creature," we must neglect no place and no people. Therefore, we ought to consider the Aleutian Islands, to know where they are, what they are, who inhabits them and what is being done and needs to be done for them. 1. The Aleutian Islands are called "Stepping Stones to Asia," for they are scattered along for 1500 miles from Kadias to Attu. Their temperature i» equable and mild. The sea is seldom frozen hard enough to bridge from isl- and to island. The trees are few, the grass, mosses and flowers abundant. Winters are long and foggy. The isl- ands are sunken mountain tops, and are lower as they lie further westward. Twenty-five have volcanoes. The Aleuts are few in number and probably of Asiatic origin. They are small in stature, live on sea animals, use canoes, live in houses half underground, reek- ing in filth and foul air, and breeding disease; but they make the finest basket work in the world. Contact with Russians and fur traders has begotten mixed blood among them. Some of the islands are used by white men for fox ranches. Can you guess why? One

Notes: 1. This is the "World's Temperance Sunday"; leave local issues for another day. 2. Give out material beforehand so that the children may be ready to carry out the program and answer questions. 3. Otherwise at least ask all the questions you can hope to have answered. 4. Teach them the meaning of temperance terms, such as "local option," "prohibition," etc. Î. PROGRESS OF THE CAUSE. 1. In, the United States. Temperance instruction is given in all public schools and in the government schools for : In- dians. Liquor is prohibited from the military stores (canteens) of the U. S. Army. In the recent temperance cam- paign in Maine, letters of encourage- ment were sent from Finland, Scan- dinavia, New Zealand, England, Ger- many, Holland, etc. 2. Progress Abroad. Systematic in- struction is given in many schools of Europe. There are competitive exam- inations on the subject in Ireland, and gold medals are given to the winners. Temperance instruction is given in En- gland. Poland is now bearing the fruit of years of such teaching; its physi- cians are organized to study alcoholic effects; 350 lawyers are united to secure proper ".legislation; savings bank depos- its and charities* are increasing, .while crime is decreasing. 3. Encouraging Items. American and foreign railway companies either refuse to employ drinkers, or at least give the preference to abstainers. All railway brotherhoods discourage drink- ing. Many German firms distribute, or sell, coffee, tea, or milk to their em- ployees. Four hundred thousand names were signed to a petition to the gov- ernment for the privilege of local option. In British and French armies preference for promotions is given to abstainers. The prime minister of Sweden recommends local option, and the king has appointed a commission to study the question. The new Irish


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