6. The vision of angels. (Lk. 24: 4, 5.) 7. Mary Magdalene ran to tell Peter and John that the body was gone. (Jn. 20:2.) 8. Peter and John entered the tomb. (Jn. 20:3-10.) 9. The appearance to Mary Magda- lene. (Mk. 6.9.) 10. Jesus met a company of the women and sent them to tell His disci- ples to meet Him in Galilee. (Mt. 28: 9, 10.- 11. Jesus met two disciples walking to Emmaus. (Lk. 24:13-31.) 12. Jesus appeared in the evening to the disciples in a room at Jerusalem. Thomas was absent. (Mk. 16:14.) 13. Jesus appeared to them again the next Sunday. Thomas was present. (Jn. 20:26-28.) 14. He appeared to seven of the dis- ciples at the Sea of Galilee, early one morning. (Jn. 20.) 15. He appeared to five hundred at one time in Galilee. (1 Co. 15:6.) 16. He also appeared to Peter and to James. (1 Co. 15:5.) 17. Forty days after the resurrec- tion He appeared to the eleven and from the Mount of Olives ascended into heaven. (Ac. 1:3-9.) 18. Last of all, He appeared from heaven to Paul. (1 Co. 15:8.) II. 1. Note how many appearances there were. 2. With the help of I Corinthians 15, show the great significance of Christ's resurrection. III. Questions: 1. On what day did the Lord rise? 2. How should we then use that day? 3. What day in the year do we specially remember the resurrec- tion? 4. What is necessary that we may rise from the dead ones? FARTHEST ALASKA WORK Dec. 8. Jno. 3:16. Note: Use a miap. Alaska is great; 1200 miles, as the crow flies, from Un- alaska to Point Barrow, and more by the coast. 1. Crossing Behring's Sea to the isl- and St. Lawrence, near the coast of Asia, we find a Presbyterian mission under Mr. and Mrs. Campbell. Young folks would enjoy reading their "The School Farthest West." 2. At Unlakleet, on Norton Bay, is a Swedish Christian industrial mission. Some of its pupils come 300 miles to attend. The whole village gave up its heathen ways in 1901 and 1902, and the people of Nome gave them $6000 for an orphanage.
island is now to become a U. S. coaling station. 2. Educational and Religious Work. The schools are of the U. S. govern- ment. There is more education'than in other parts of Alaska, but the 200 holi- days of the Greek church make the attendance very irregular. The Bap- tists have a mission and an orphanage at Wood Island, near Kadiak, with a farm, meadows, horses, cows, fowl and comfortable buildings filled with happy Christian children, to grow and build up happy Christian homes. PILATE WHO WAS AFRAID TO DO RIGHT Nov. 24. Jno. 19.1-8. Who was Pilate? What was his office? (Mt. 27:2.) Whom did he judge? (Jn. 18:33.) Did he find his Prisoner guilty? 18:38.) Did he confess Him to be inno* cetn? (Mt. 27:24.) 8. Did he condemn Him to die, or did he let Him go? (Jn. 18:6.) 9. Was his sentence just and right? 10. Did he want to put Jesus to death? (Ac. 3:13.) 11. Why did He give Him up to be crucified? (Lk. 23:20.) 12. What was he afraid of if he let Him go? (Jn. 19:12.) 13. What was he afraid of if He crucified Him? (Jn. 19:7, 8.- 14. What should one do "though the heavens fall?" Right. 15. Of whom did Jesus say men should be afraid? (Lk. 12.5.) 16. What became of Pilate? (He soon lost his office, and committed sui- cide in a Swiss lake, now called- Lake Pilate.) 17. What does the Apostles' Creed say referring to Pilate? Speaking of Jesus, it says, "Who suffered under .. Pontius Pilate." So Pilate is forever disgraced among mankind. Note: Use a blackboard. I. Outline the events as follows: 1. The earthquake. 2. Descent of an angel. 3. The stone rolled away. 4. The watch became as dead men. (Mt. 28:1-4.) 5. The Marys arrived at the tomb before dawn. (Lk. 24:1.- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Jn. 7. Where did he live? When did he live? THE RESURRECTION Dec. 1. Matt. 28:1-8. (Consecration Meeting)
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