24.) Activé service as the Lord leads will keep from spiritual stagnation. The highland streams are clear and limpid because of the movement of the waters over the steep declivities, while in the lowlands the lack of movement causes stagnation. Let us move out in service then not in the feverish energy of the flesh but restfully as God's Word and the Spirit direct us. Fifth, avoiding all that which being of flesh will cause our garments to become spotted, and unfit us to meet the Lord with gladness at His coming. (Verse 23.) Sixth, keep ever watching for the Lord's coming as that blessed hope and the focal point toward which all things are pointing, (verse 14.) The age to come will be far better than this one, and while now some may call us pessi- mistic, with the view of the glories to follow when He shall have come we know we are the true optimists. Seventh, and finally and very impor- tant, trust the Lord to keep you. Some one may say, if all these things you have described be true what will become of us? Who will be able to stand? The answer is in this blessed benediction of verses 24 and 25 : Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling." The revised version says "guard you from stumbling." It is His power that will keep us. We are to trust. A little boy walking on the icy pavement with his • father was warned to let the parent hold his hand, but in self confidence he re- fused and fell and hurt himself. Then reaching up he said, "Father, I believe T will take your hand," and grasping an extended finger in his little fist, trudged on. Presently he slipped again, and not being strong enough to hold up his- own weight he fell heavily the second time. Now he had learned his lesson, and he said, "Father, you hold my hand." When again the feet slipped he did not fall for the father's strong arm I upheld him. Even so, we are to hear a voice saying to us, "Fear not, I will hold | thy right hand." Thank God. Saints of God, amid the deepening shadows of a dark and evil age let us to the end trust Him fully and continue to "con- tend earnestly for the faith once for alt delivered to the saints."
attempted by some of the Sodomites, (Gen. 19) "going after strange flesh" and for this sin they have been prema- turely shut up in t i e pit. Modern spirit- ism in its manifold forms is seeking to bring about a repetition of these awful scenes of the days of Noah. Sixth, the certainty and tearfulness of punishment for those who fully and fin- ally persist in their rebellion against the Lord, is shown in verses 6, 7 and. 13, where three of the, strongest expressions regarding the falling of the righteous wrath of God are found: "Everlasting chains under darkness," "the vengeance of eternal fire," and "the blackness of darkness forever." Surely the Lord's servants should with deep concern warn the ungodly of the wrath to come. Seventh, we are to accept and hold fast the teaching of the second coming ,of Christ. (Verse..14 and 15.) A pre- ' millennial coming, too, for the word un- godly found four times in verse 15 indi- cates no converted world at His coming, and the fact that He is accompanied with His saints shows a previous translation of them to be in His presence.- Enoch's sermon on this subject is the first one on record, and the last prayer of the Bible is "Even so, come Lord Jesus." Other articles of the Christian's faith can easily be found in Jude, but these will suggest the searching for them. Now in view of all this what should be OUR ATTITUDE? First, giving heed to the Word. (Verse 17.) There is no explanation of the times in which we live apart from the teaching of the Bible. To ignore it is to fall into some snare of the ad- versary sure. Second, thus studying daily we are built up in the most holy faith, (verse 20) obtaining the knowledge of it in the Bible and then contending for it most earnestly, growing constantly in this grace wherein we stand. Third, 1 praying in the Holy Spirit, (verse 20.) One who studies the book daily, believing it to be the Word of God indeed, and accompanies this study with much prayer In the Holy Ghost, is not apt to go astray or miss the mark very far. Fourth, with a compassionate heart seeking to save the lost, (verses 23 and
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