King's Business - 1938-03

March, 1938

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


our inner consciousness. Through all the centuries there has been this fellowship, this friendship with the risen Saviour on the part of all believers. Our union with Christ is actually now in the eter­ nal world. W e do not enter the eternal world when we physically die; the eter­ nal world is here and now. “ If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth . . .” (Col. 3:1). It is a present experience. The eternal world is not primarily geographical. W e can live now in time or in eternity, just as we choose. If we live only in the things that we handle, we live in time. If we live in Christ our Saviour, we live in eternity. . You say, What then is the relation of physical death to our present eternal life if eternal life is a present experience? My friend, it is the relation of the broken shell to the chick that emerges. It is the relation of the chrysalis to the butterfly—the chrys­ alis which the butterfly leaves behind as it flutters away into the garden. Death only liberates eternal life; it cannot injure it. You cannot sever a sunbeam with a sword. Neither can death cut short nor impair eternal life. A t death, you simply shed a vesture, and are set free for larger life and experience and deeper fellowships. Manifesting Eternal Life— Now That friendship which we now have with the risen Lord is also a revelation to the world that does not see Him nor under­ stand Him. W e are here to reveal the other side of time to those who are living wholly in time; we are here to reveal to men and women the atmosphere, the joy, peace, and power of the eternal world. W e are the witnesses of the eternal Lord in a passing world, to show that aspect of life that never dies. It is the high road to abundant life and joy and charm and fragrant friendship and eternal reality. W e are here to witness to the fact that Christ is alive for evermore, and that we redeemed ones are all bound together in Him in an eternal bond that can never be broken. That Living Lord is here with us today, saying, “ Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Rev. 3:20). And that feast is the beginning of an eternal fellowship, a fact, for Christians to rejoice in and to proclaim. Rawlins Party ask the readers of T he K ing ’ s B usiness to remember them in prayer. In the East their address is 529 Fourth St., Struthers, Ohio; or, they can be addressed in care of 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. C utler B. (Biola ’25) and M rs . W hit - well ( ’26), assisted by Don Allen and Ransom D. Marvin (’ 35) have been repre­ senting the Bible Institute of Los Angeles in evangelistic meetings in California com­ munities, presenting an unusually well- rounded prdgram of evangelism and train­ EVANGELISTIC NOTICES [ Continued, from page 102]

FELLOWSHIP OF RESURRECTION LIFE [ Continued, from page 95]

ing for Christian service. Mr. Whitwell preaches at the evening meetings, and just prior to each evening service, Mrs. Whit­ well conducts a class on parent problems and teacher training. Mr. Marvin, who is the staff artist of T he K ing ’ s B usiness , supplements these talks with instruction in blackboard drawing. He is also song leader and soloist in evening meetings. Mr. Allen is pianist, and, to interested workers in the church, he gives instruction in evangelistic piano playing. Afternoon children’s meet­ ings are conducted by Mr. Allen and Mr. Marvin, and these young men, recent Biola students, have found a real response to their message as given to children and young people. In the United Brethren Church of Stock- ton, Calif., this evangelistic party held a three-weeks’ campaign from January 16 to February 6. From February 7 to 27 the party was scheduled for services at the First Presbyterian Church o f Selma, Calif. The Whitwell party is open for engage­ ments for the remainder of the year, and can consider calls from any part of the United States. Churches in which the pas­ tor is an alumnus of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles will be especially eager to engage these workers for the sake of en­ couraging young people in consecration and training for Christian service. Mr. Whit­ well can be addressed at 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. A braham N. W illems (Biola ’20), 244 N. U St., Fresno, Calif., has been sched­ uled for evangelistic services in Mennonite Brethren churches as follows: February 6 to 18— Shafter, Calif; February 20 to 25— Winton, Calif.; February 27 to March 4— Orland, Calif., and March 6 to 18—Dallas, Ore. EYE O P EN ER S ! JUST OFF PRESS— two faith-stimulating and searching books by KEITH L. BROOKS, editor “ Prophecy Monthly” . "P A SS IO N FO R PALESTINE" Amazing information about the undying passion o f the Jews to get back to Palestine, and the Satanic efforts to thwart the divine purpose. (Cloth-bound $1 postpaid) "TOTTERING N A T IO N S " New, enlarged cloth edition of a book already read by thousands. Right up-to-the-minute with information not found in any other book. Invaluable guidance for Christians in these last days. (Price $1) If you order both books ($2) we will send you FREE the paper edition of “ Tottering Nations” to give to some friend or to pass around. P R O P H E C Y M O N T H L Y 2003 Addison Way, Dept. KB., Los Angeles, Calif.

His name in public again. Peter would never have been seen again in the streets of Jerusalem; he would have been afraid to hold up his head before his fellow men. Decency would have driven him into silence. Fear and shame would have sent him back into seclusion. But Peter and his fellow disciples not only remained in Jerusalem; they also appeared openly in the streets, and in the temple, and in the most public places in the city, And not only that, but they appeared as changed men. They possessed a new power, a new courage; they declared a new message— that Christ was alive and had appeared to them. In that city, in the very place where their hopes had been completely wiped out, and where they themselves had made their denial of Him, Jesus appeared. He appeared, moreover, not only to Peter and the rest of the disciples, not only to many who had known Him before His death, but— for a special purpose—He ap­ peared also to at least one who probably had never seen Him. I am inclined to think that Saul of Tarsus had never seen Jesus in the flesh. He hated the very name of Jesus, he hated His cause, and he poured scorn on the whole story as a pure fabri­ cation. But Jesus appeared even to Saul, as he journeyed toward Damascus, and He changed him, and challenged him, and captured him ; and there sprang up between Paul and the risen Lord the most romantic fellowship of that century. Furthermore; it was that same man Saul—9 now Paul—who' wrote the Epistles, and they were written before the Gospels. And I would remind you that the Epistles of Paul do not deal with the human life of Jesus at all, but with His resurrection life. Remember that the first written information regarding Jesus was not concerning His earthly life, but His resurrection life. The members of those churches to whom Paul preached probably had never seen nor heard Christ in the flesh. They knew little, if anything, of His human life. They knew Him only as the risen Lord. Besides, those who later wrote the Gospels dealing with the human life of Jesus would never have written a line of them if Jesus had not appeared again after His death. What would have been the use? They were written in the light of the glory of the power of the resurrection Lord. The Fellowship of the Resurrection Thirdly, there is the fellowship of the resurrection. From the moment that Jesus revealed Himself to Mary in the early morning of that wonderful day until this very hour, there has been a great company of those who have entered into fellowship with the risen Lord. He was a reality, not only to those early Christians in Ephesus and Philippi and Thessalonica and Corinth, but He has been a present reality also to believers all through the centuries. Thomas a Kempis, John Bunyan, John Wesley, W il­ liam Booth, St. Francis— all these knew Jesus as a present Lord and Friend. And we today hear His voice in the depths of

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