King's Business - 1938-03

Two Vital Messages to Needy Groups Offered With THE KING’S BUSINESS For $1.00 This special offer can be in force for a short time only. For all-year-round advantages, see back cover.


Deadly Poison Gas in Tax-Supported Schools

By DAN GILBERT San Diego California

Valuable Leaflets Available

Comments by eminent physicians, Howard A. Kelly, M.D., LL.D., Marion McH. Hull, M.D., Arthur I. Brown, M.D., and L. Edwin Barnes, M.D., add to the appeal of this booklet. We ask you to select persons o f your acquaintance to whom these pointed, personal, effective messages would best apply. Perhaps one of them is the young teacher you saw in church last Sunday. Another may be the prin­ cipal of the school to which your son or daughter goes. Still others may be the teachers in your Sunday-school. Those are the persons who should have the Dan Gilbert article. Then there is the family doctor, who is so popular in your circle, so care­ ful in his ministrations, so valued by his patients, and so frequently absent from his church. Send him Dr. Wilson’s article in pamphlet form. Reach these needy souls; pray for them. We will hand you a barbed shaft, a swift and polished arrow, feathered by prayer, to shoot straight to the mark—the heart of your pros­ pect. Our Plan for Distribution We will mail 5 copies of the pam­ phlet, “ An Interview with the Doctor,” by Walter Lewis Wilson, OR as many as 10 copies of the leaflet, “Deadly Poi­ son Gas in Tax-Supported Schools,” by Dan Gilbert, together with one an­ nual subscription to T H E K IN G’S BUSINESS for $1.00, available only with this offer. The regular price of THE KING’S BUSINESS alone is $1.50 (25 cents additional for Cana­ dian or foreign subscription). The leaf­ lets alone may be had at 5c a copy for Dr. Wilson’s article, and lc a copy for Dr. Gilbert’s article. If desired, we will mail the material direct from this office, with or without your name. THE KING'S BUSINESS 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California Gentlemen: □ Please send me 10 copies of Dr. Gilbert's message (or) □ Please send me 5 copies of Dr. Wilson's mes­ sage together with a year's subscription to THE KING'S BUSINESS, for which I enclose $1.00. Or you may bill me for a year's subscription at $1.00. Name........................................................ Street......................................................... City................................. State................ □ I would like to form a KING'S BUSINESS club. Please send particulars and sample copies.

Personal Use

Concerning Dr. Gilbert’s Article . . . "I heartily agree with Dan Gilbert's pro­ posal and urge all patriotic citizens to sign and support the petition to safeguard the welfare of children in our schools. No man in public life can fail to recognize the menace of Communism, especially to our youth. THE KING’S BUSINESS maga­ zine deserves credit for fearlessly bringing this sub|ecl to light." HUGH OSBORNE "I have read your article in THE KING'S BUSINESS under the head, 'Deadly Poison Gas in Tax-Supported Schools,1 and I real­ ize not alone the truth of what you there set forth, but also know something of the terrible disaster that has come the way of multitudes of our young people who have thus been contaminated and destroyed. I assure you that I should sympathetically and whole-heartedly cooperate in any move­ ment launched in California or the nation to drive from the schoolroom every type of teaching that is antichristian and anti- American." JOHN E. BROWN President, Brown Military Academy. • "Dr. Gilbert's article is good, and your proposed campaign against antichristian and immoral teaching is only too necessary, as I, being a college graduate, know." E. J. Cloverdale, Calif. • "I will be glad to receive ten copies of Dr. Gilbert's article. We are much con­ cerned about what is taught in’ our schools and printed in their textbooks." Mrs. C. E. Spencer, Iowa Chairman, Board of Super­ visors, Imperial County, Calif. •

R IGHT here in America—in fact next door to almost every reader of this magazine—are men and women and boys and girls without Christ. Others, though professing sal­ vation, are inactive and blind to the spiritual peril abroad in the land. K ING ’S BU S I NE S S subscribers have appealed to this magazine to do something about this appalling situa­ tion which would enable awakened Christians to act effectively. And the editors, assured that the request is a call of God to service in Christ’s name, have been eager to respond. Last month, a preprint of Dan Gil­ bert’s expose of victimized school chil­ dren in America was prepared in leaf­ let form for early mailing to subscrib­ ers. Ten thousand copies were sent out in this form! Read the comments which are found on this page. This month, at the request of many readers, the masterly message of Wal­ ter Lewis Wilson, M. D., “ An Inter­ view with the Doctor,” which appeared first in the October KING’S BUSI­ NESS, is being reprinted as an at­ tractive pamphlet (3 % " x 6").

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