King's Business - 1938-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1938

Rejected by the crowd, Jesus is now a prisoner standing before Pilate,, unjustly accused. According to the record, no one is with Him as a friend—not one of all the adoring throng of a few days before is now willing to acknowledge himself as identified with the Lord Jesus who is now a most unpopular figure. Although Pilate is apparently convinced of Jesus' inno­ cence, through fear and the pressure of the howling multitude, he obeys the voice of the throng which cries out insistently, “ Crucify him.” Pilate made a choice that day. The multitude chose also. Today we too must make a choice. Christ stands at the judg­ ment bar of every heart to be crowned or crucified— there is no alternative. “What shall I do with Jesus which is called Christ?” This is the most important ques­ tion which an individual could possibly face. It is a question of life and death, for the rejection of Him spells everlast­ ing anguish and remorse. W ill you say, “King of my life, I crown Thee now ?” Because of the distance of time and the difference of customs, it is not easy for us to grasp how perfectly Jesus made plain His claims to be the appointed Messiah and K ing of the Jews . . . It was perfectly plain to every intelligent Jew and so plain to the men in positions of authority that they were compelled to do something about it. He claimed to be God’s Son, the Saviour of the world. It is folly to argue that Jesus is something less than the Mes­ siah. W e cannot do that and avoid show­ ing that He was either self-deceived, as Renan says, or else an open hypocrite. Jesus Christ claims to be the only Saviour of us all, and that triumphal entry is .ab­ solutely typical of the response that we each must make to His claim. W ill He look around about and find us treating Him as King or frigidly looking upon Him as a pretender to be speedily disposed of ? Will we crown Him or crucify Him afresh? —Sunday School Times. Helps for the Leader I. W h ic h ?

tain too close to the gas jet and it was in flames. But because this family had not invited me to warn them, and not wishing to disturb their peace, I passed on to my room.” “ You did no such thing,” said the other. “ You wasted no time in crying to them that their house was on fire.” ^ ? “ Certainly,” said the missionary; “ and the people of the strange land did not invite me, but I knew their danger with­ out Christ, and I knew the peace and joy that comes with knowing Him. I was bound, knowing these things, to tell them.” —Moody Monthly. APRIL 10, 1938 CROWN HIM OR CRUCIFY HIM? “ Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord ; Hosanna in the highest” ! How joyfully this acclaim of thé multitude must have resounded through the streets as the Lord Jesus Christ came riding into Jerusalem on an ass, preceded and sur­ rounded by children and men and women who were spreading their garments in the way and jubilantly were waving palm branches, a symbol of His triumph. As from the sacred pages this dramatic scene lives before our eyes, we wish that we might have been there, mingling our glad voices in the triumphant chorus of praise. History records no more remark­ able procession than this: The K ing of kings, the Eternal God, was humbling Himself even to the extent of riding, meek and lowly, upon the simplest of all beasts of burden. The splendor of the triumphal processions of Caesar and Pompey could not compare with the wonder to be seen in the Lord Jesus, steadfastly riding toward the cross in Jerusalem. Concerning. Christ’s coming upon an ass, John says: “ These things understood not his disciples at the first: but when Jesus was glorified, then remembered they that these things were written of him, and that they had done these things unto him” (John 12:16). The things “ written of him” refer to an accurate prediction of His humility as demonstrated that first Palm Sunday, for in Zechariah 9:9 we read these words: “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy K ing cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and rid­ ing upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.” Could a description be more perfect? Such minute and exact fulfill­ ment of Old Testament prophecy—found in multiplied instances— places a divine seal of authority upon the record which we accept as the authoritative Word of God. A second multitude for our considera­ tion is one which was similar in some re­ spects to that one at which we have just looked. It was composed of a large num­ ber of Jewish people from every walk of life. They also were unrestrained in ex­ pressing their opinion of Jesus of Nazareth, but in this instance the verdict was very different. The second crowd denounced and rejected Him just as vehemently as the first had ascribed Him honor and glory. M a t ïh e w 21:1-11; 27:11-23 Meditation on the Lesson

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