March, 1938
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
his side in a case of palpable injustice. Lincoln replied that he could not plead the man’s case, and, when pressed by his would-be client, he said, “ If I attempted to raise my voice in your defense, above my words I would hear the voice of my con science saying, ‘Abe Lincoln, you’re a liar; Abe Lincoln, you’re a liar,’ and I cannot do it.”—H ali . ock . On February 20, R. S. Beal, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Tucson, Ariz., completed twenty years of service as pastor with his church. Under Dr. Beal’s leader ship the church has erected a new house of worship widi a seating capacity of over 1,500, has completely remodeled the parson age, and has built five fine mission build ings with two others in course of construc tion. More than forty of the church’s young people are in active full-time Chris tian service, some having gone to the foreign field and others serving in the homeland. A number o f these have re ceived their training in Biola, and one of the young women is a student at the In stitute at the present time. The church has grown in these twenty years from a membership of 203 to over 1,800 and is known throughout the South west for its stand on the fundamentals of the faith. Its people are loyal to the Word of God and are united in Christian fel lowship. It has seven active young people’s organizations that are carrying on in soul winning activities. Fruit from Twenty Years o f Ministry
sent to prison for -years. The old man called his name, and asked him whether he was guilty. The clerk stammered out that he had no defense. “ I shall not send you to prison,” said the old man. ‘¿‘If I take you back, can I trust you?” When the surprised and broken clerk had given assurance and was about to leave, the senior partner continued, “ You are the sec ond man who has fallen and been par doned in this business. I was the first. What you have done, I did. The mercy you have received, I received. God help us all .”—Christian Endeavor World. II. R eal P roof A Chinese convert of some years’ stand ing, a middle-aged farmer, called to see me and to tell of his welfare. After some conversation and exhortation, I asked him what evidence he had that he was a Chris tian. He spoke of his faith in Christ, but I asked him whether he had any real proof that the world might see. After a mo ment’s reflection, he said: “ L believe I have a little proof. When I used to clear the stones off my fields, because it was more convenient, I just tossed them over into my neighbor’s field, but I don’t do that now. I carry them and throw them into a gully or some other place where it will be impossible for them to harm any one .”—Record of Christian Work. Obedient to Truth On one occasion a man offered Lincoln a handsome fee as a retainer to take
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