King's Business - 1938-03

March, 1938

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


his side in a case of palpable injustice. Lincoln replied that he could not plead the man’s case, and, when pressed by his would-be client, he said, “ If I attempted to raise my voice in your defense, above my words I would hear the voice of my con­ science saying, ‘Abe Lincoln, you’re a liar; Abe Lincoln, you’re a liar,’ and I cannot do it.”—H ali . ock . On February 20, R. S. Beal, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Tucson, Ariz., completed twenty years of service as pastor with his church. Under Dr. Beal’s leader­ ship the church has erected a new house of worship widi a seating capacity of over 1,500, has completely remodeled the parson­ age, and has built five fine mission build­ ings with two others in course of construc­ tion. More than forty of the church’s young people are in active full-time Chris­ tian service, some having gone to the foreign field and others serving in the homeland. A number o f these have re­ ceived their training in Biola, and one of the young women is a student at the In­ stitute at the present time. The church has grown in these twenty years from a membership of 203 to over 1,800 and is known throughout the South­ west for its stand on the fundamentals of the faith. Its people are loyal to the Word of God and are united in Christian fel­ lowship. It has seven active young people’s organizations that are carrying on in soul­ winning activities. Fruit from Twenty Years o f Ministry

sent to prison for -years. The old man called his name, and asked him whether he was guilty. The clerk stammered out that he had no defense. “ I shall not send you to prison,” said the old man. ‘¿‘If I take you back, can I trust you?” When the surprised and broken clerk had given assurance and was about to leave, the senior partner continued, “ You are the sec­ ond man who has fallen and been par­ doned in this business. I was the first. What you have done, I did. The mercy you have received, I received. God help us all .”—Christian Endeavor World. II. R eal P roof A Chinese convert of some years’ stand­ ing, a middle-aged farmer, called to see me and to tell of his welfare. After some conversation and exhortation, I asked him what evidence he had that he was a Chris­ tian. He spoke of his faith in Christ, but I asked him whether he had any real proof that the world might see. After a mo­ ment’s reflection, he said: “ L believe I have a little proof. When I used to clear the stones off my fields, because it was more convenient, I just tossed them over into my neighbor’s field, but I don’t do that now. I carry them and throw them into a gully or some other place where it will be impossible for them to harm any one .”—Record of Christian Work. Obedient to Truth On one occasion a man offered Lincoln a handsome fee as a retainer to take

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